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Re: How did your parents meet

@ProudMa and everyone- I'm enjoying these stories!



So mine -  Dad was in the Army, stationed in Belgium. Mom was working at the Pentagon and having a good time being young and single in D.C. She was asked to go to Paris, and jumped at the chance (her family was NOT happy). After arriving in Paris they asked for volunteers to go to Belgium. She didn't like Paris, but most of the others did, so she was happy to go to Belgium. She moved into the same apartment building my dad lived in. The Americans all hung out together, and they were together a lot, but just as friends. After two years one of them was coming back to the states (I can't remember which one came first.), and they realized there was something there!


They eloped when the other one got back. My mom apparently thought it would be cute to write to her family using her married name as the return address! Her twin sister got the letter and called my grandfather, telling him he'd better get home. It was too late- the letter was there and my grandmother was mad. She didn't speak to my dad at all until after I was born and she wouldn't visit them. (They ended up having a sweet relationship until she passed away when I was grown.)



I always thought it was such a romantic story, but my parents had their problems. They divorced years later. 

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Re: How did your parents meet

@aubnwa01 ...I started to cry when I read your post.  I am so sorry your biological father was such a loser but thank God you were raised by people who loved you.

The moving finger writes; And having writ, Moves on: nor all your Piety nor Wit Shall lure it back to cancel half a Line Nor all your Tears Wash out a Word of it. Omar Khayam
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Re: How did your parents meet

My mother was a switchboard operator back when phones were fairly new.  My dad liked her voice and wanted to meet her and would wait outside the building where she worked on the 2nd floor to walk her home since she worked a late shift.  Sounds kind of stalkerish to me.  She always said she finally had to marry him to get him to leave her alone because once married he was rarely home!!!

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Re: How did your parents meet

[ Edited ]

My parents met in 1948 while working @ General Electric in Schenectady, NY.


Anyone remember "The General Electric Clock"?

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Re: How did your parents meet

Fun thread!


My parents met in high school, then worked in the same downtown department store.  WWII started and my dad was sent to Texas with the Army band.  My mom packed her bags, got on a train, and went to be with him.   They married a few months later.


My husband and I knew each other in high school.  We met again years later after both of us had been married, had kids, and been divorced  .... and we lived happily ever after.

* A woman is like a tea bag. You can't tell how strong she is until you put her in hot water. *
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Re: How did your parents meet

SO SWEET, but fI'D everyone what MY MOTHER DID, she'd have sent me to THE CONVENT!


My mother got engaged right after she graduated from HS, to a very nice young man who was an alcoholic. Apparently she told no one in her family, knowing that her parents would never permit the marriage.


Her fiancée was connected to a very high level department store, and had given her a beautiful diamond ring, but again, she apparently only wore it on dates, never at home.


Her two older brothers, who had somehow found out about the situation, were furious that her young man was incapable of staying "on the wagon", and decided that my father, then working in an essential to the War production plant, would be a far better match.


They managed to introduce my mother and father late in August, and after a 6 WEEK courtship, they married in October, and loved each other until he died, almost 40 years later.

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Registered: ‎03-09-2010

Re: How did your parents meet

My folks met on a blind date set up by two mutual friends, I have an address book of Moms, that details their whole dating history, it is very sweet to read.


I met my hubby at a singles weekend at the Concord Hotel in December 1990, I knew when I went home I was going to marry him, we were married May 16, 1993

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Re: How did your parents meet

My grandparents (dad's parents) and great aunt (my mom's dad's sister) lived in the same apartment building in Chicago and played cards together.  When they found out that that my dad and mom were single and lived in Los Angeles. They arranged for my parents to have a blind date!  Thankfully it worked it :-)


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Re: How did your parents meet

My Mother had four older brothers and they were friends with my future Dad. Married for 67 years so far.

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Re: How did your parents meet

My Dad was a Marine and came home after WWII.  A friend of his, who also knew my Mom, introduced them.


Years later I found out I went to school with the son of the man who got them together.


They were married 6 months shy of 50 years.