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Registered: ‎03-09-2010

Re: Hot Car Trial verdict in..Ross Harris !

Justice for Cooper!


The verdict for Justin Ross Harris....  scuzzbag...


Sentencing Dec. 5th 1:30P.M.


Count 1 Malice Murder (Mandatory life sentence) - GUILTY
Count 2 Felony Murder (Mandatory life sentence) - GUILTY
Count 3 Felony Murder (Mandatory life sentence) - GUILTY
Count 4 Cruelty to Children in the First Degree (5-to-20 year sentence) - GUILTY
Count 5 Cruelty to Children in the Second Degree (1-to-10 year sentence) - GUILTY
Count 6 Criminal Attempt to Commit a Felony (10 year sentence) - GUILTY
Count 7 Dissemination of Pornography to Minors (12 month sentence; $5,000 fine) - GUILTY
Count 8 Dissemination of Pornography to Minors (12 month sentence; $5,000 fine) - GUILTY


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Registered: ‎03-09-2010

Re: Hot Car Trial verdict in..Ross Harris !

I thihnk selfishness might well be the worst of all vices/sins. Through selfish behavior all other vices are allowed to occur, and all virtue is struck dead

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Re: Hot Car Trial verdict in..Ross Harris !

[ Edited ]

Living in Atlanta, I have followed the case closely.  Most people felt there was no way he could have forgotten his son in the very short drive between the restaurant and his office.Such a sad story; I am so sorry for what that poor child must have endured on that hot day.

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Registered: ‎03-10-2010

Re: Hot Car Trial verdict in..Ross Harris !

Now I just hope he doesn't somehow get anything overturned on appeal.


I honestly started to think that guy was going to be found not guilty on this.


Watching the video of him in that fast food place with that little boy, 5 minutes prior, turned my stomach and broke my heart.  No way in that short amount of time did he forget that kid.


I'm starting to wonder about the mother too. She testified for Ross Harris and said he didn't do this on purpose.    

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Re: Hot Car Trial verdict in..Ross Harris !

I was afraid he would not be found guilty.  I didn't follow the trial.  What was his motive?  Kids have been left in hot cars before, but most were found to be accidents. I thought this would be like the others.

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Re: Hot Car Trial verdict in..Ross Harris !

That poor innocent little guy...betrayed by the one who is supposed to have loved and cared for him and in whom he loved and trusted.It just doesn't get any more horrific to me.I can barely allow my mind to think about what that child suffered.I hope Ross Harris finds h.ll on earth till the day he leaves his body and his final fate that will be much worse than any on earth.

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Re: Hot Car Trial verdict in..Ross Harris !

[ Edited ]

The lowest of the low. Let the prison sentence begin. I always feel bad for law enforcement, medical examiner, lawyers, etc that have to deal with the aftermath of what humans do to other humans.

Wrong is still wrong just because you benefited from it.
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Registered: ‎03-15-2010

Re: Hot Car Trial verdict in..Ross Harris !

@songbird - According to the prosecution, his motive was that he wanted to live a child-free life and date lots of women.  I guess he did not want to get a divorce and pay child support.