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Registered: ‎06-09-2014

Hope for us Equifax breach people

Here is a glimmer of hope for those of us who had our information hacked from Equifax.


They finally fixed their website glitches enough that I was finally allowed to activate my free monitoring account with them this morning after 5 days.  


When you sign in, you can look at your Equifax credit report.  I'm glad I had put down my morning tea so I didn't spit it out.


My employer was listed as the college I graduated from almost 25 years ago!  


Now I did have college work study to help pay my way through.  But I have been employed with maybe 5-6 other companies after I graduated.  In fact, I just celebrated my 16th anniversary with my latest employer last week.


I have my Experian credit report monitored for free by AAA.  When I checked with them, they have the correct employer although it's spelled wrong.


Maybe we shouldn't be so panicked about our information being out.  It's neither spelled right or about 25 years old.  Smiley Very Happy


But at least they had the most important part right on both.  I do pay my bills on time all the time.    



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Re: Hope for us Equifax breach people

[ Edited ]

I just want to add here that yesterday we got a great scam said that one of our credit cards had unusual activity on it so click here NOW to "restore your account" .. HA. YEAH RIGHT....the crooks are now using the hack to do their own hack. DH went to our credit card account on the credit card account's site and NO such scary info at all. A fake "alert" from more crooks. Be careful and ignore any emails like this. Go to the REAL online site of any company who supposidly is "alerting" you. Scammers everywhere! Be smarter than the crooks!

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Re: Hope for us Equifax breach people

I just feel really angry about the whole thing.We have to work harder at protecting our assets from those who prefer to steal than to work hard.These people are anywhere in the world and will probably never be stopped.

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Re: Hope for us Equifax breach people

I hearby banish the    Totally

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Re: Hope for us Equifax breach people

@dex wrote:

I just feel really angry about the whole thing.We have to work harder at protecting our assets from those who prefer to steal than to work hard.These people are anywhere in the world and will probably never be stopped.

I pretty much feel whatever I do to protect my monetary assets can be compromised by evildoers.

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Registered: ‎01-21-2011

Re: Hope for us Equifax breach people

My wonderful SIL and  brother were breached.  They have no computer, no smart phone, no debit cards, have virtually zero debt.  They were notified by their insurance company--the same one I have--that their rates were going up even though they never had a claim.  When they were denied a credit card at a home improvement store, she new something was wrong.  She was on hold for 2 hours at Equifax until she got a rep who told her she was hacked.  All their accounts have to be frozen.  The worst part about this whole mess was that it happened between May and July and we're just finding out now.  

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Registered: ‎06-15-2010

Re: Hope for us Equifax breach people

Has anyone used creditwise. I just got an email from cap one wanting me to sign up.

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Re: Hope for us Equifax breach people

@silkyk wrote:

I just want to add here that yesterday we got a great scam said that one of our credit cards had unusual activity on it so click here NOW to "restore your account" .. HA. YEAH RIGHT....the crooks are now using the hack to do their own hack. DH went to our credit card account on the credit card account's site and NO such scary info at all. A fake "alert" from more crooks. Be careful and ignore any emails like this. Go to the REAL online site of any company who supposidly is "alerting" you. Scammers everywhere! Be smarter than the crooks!

Some e mails you can see if the actual company sending it to you is really them by clicking on the sender's address. If the sender and the credit card company do not match, it's a scam.

☼The best place to seek God is in a garden. You can dig for him there. GBShaw☼
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Re: Hope for us Equifax breach people

I received an email from AT&T.  The only thing we have with them is DirecTV.  I'm ignoring it until my TV gets shut off.  It is "to update billing info."  Be on your guard for this one.

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Posts: 14,441
Registered: ‎03-16-2010

Re: Hope for us Equifax breach people

I'm a Mets fan and they were playing the Braves last night. I'm pretty sure I saw an advertisement for them in the ballpark. You would think with what's going on with them, the Braves organization would have removed it.