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@Laura14 wrote:
@DrytheTell that to Fitbit and Chromecast! Drives me nuts!

@puttiepiesmom I actually had to compose myself before I went in. This time made me very emotional for some reason.



Not meaning to hassle you,  my Fitbit works through DDG.  Don’t know about Chromecast!

"Animals are not my whole world, but they have made my world whole" ~ Roger Caras
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@QueenDanceALot wrote:

@Toppers3 wrote:

@QueenDanceALot wrote:

I was talking with a woman ahead of me in line and she said she wished she'd gotten there earlier as she had to leave to get to work and the polls would be closed when she got off work.  She finally had to leave (unvoted) so she wouldn't be late for work.  She'd already waited an hour.


Wish everyone had the ability to vote early.  

I wonder if she is aware that there is absentee voting?


She could sign up for it if she has a work schedule that would make it difficult for her to get to her voting location. This way, she wouldn't have to miss out on being able to vote.

I don't believe that she would qualify as she would have been able to vote had she gotten to the polling place earlier. 


That's how I understood her situation.


None of us at my polling place thought that the turnout would be as large as it was.

Ohhh, o.k. Smiley Happy


I know that in some instances, there are people who work certain schedules that just wouldn't be able to get there to vote in person--those in certain careers who work long hours or those who are working more than one job and so on, or those who are out of the country where they would be able to fill out an absentee ballot. 

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@Laura14 wrote:
@Toppers3I actually can't do it in my state. I'm very lucky I work close to my polling place and can run away from my job for a bit. I'd have to use a vacation day otherwise. I don't get it.

That's too bad. 


I'm glad you were able to vote, though. Smiley Happy

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I did early voting the last week of Oct, was busy then too. Miserable rainy day where I live, but the local news is reporting long lines and good turnout.

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@Toppers3 wrote:

@QueenDanceALot wrote:

@Toppers3 wrote:

@QueenDanceALot wrote:

I was talking with a woman ahead of me in line and she said she wished she'd gotten there earlier as she had to leave to get to work and the polls would be closed when she got off work.  She finally had to leave (unvoted) so she wouldn't be late for work.  She'd already waited an hour.


Wish everyone had the ability to vote early.  

I wonder if she is aware that there is absentee voting?


She could sign up for it if she has a work schedule that would make it difficult for her to get to her voting location. This way, she wouldn't have to miss out on being able to vote.

I don't believe that she would qualify as she would have been able to vote had she gotten to the polling place earlier. 


That's how I understood her situation.


None of us at my polling place thought that the turnout would be as large as it was.

Ohhh, o.k. Smiley Happy


I know that in some instances, there are people who work certain schedules that just wouldn't be able to get there to vote in person--those in certain careers who work long hours or those who are working more than one job and so on, or those who are out of the country where they would be able to fill out an absentee ballot. 

I just edited my post to add (because I didn't know!) that if you are in the county of the precinct you vote in on Election Day that you are not eligible for absentee voting.


Anyway, I felt bad for her as she had been waiting for an hour and just had to leave. Her employer wasn't going to cut her some slack.   Cat Sad

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Oregon is mail or dropbox only.   A nice system.

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@pigletsmom I used to do that but now I have no tv except Chromecast and it kept crashing that every time I turned it off so as of a few weeks ago, I gave up which is probably Google's intent.
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@Drythe I also use Duck Duck Go.

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I had a paper jam.


Hopefully my vote got counted!  The official seemed none too concerned and managed to get it through the scanner (I was not "hard" enough).

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@Sweetbay magnolia wrote:

I had a paper jam.


Hopefully my vote got counted!  The official seemed none too concerned and managed to get it through the scanner (I was not "hard" enough).

@Sweetbay magnolia


The pollsters are saying it’s so humid here in the south the paper is swollen and hard to force through.


I’ve literally had to microwave paper a bit to dry it out.  Like 15 Or 20 seconds.

"Animals are not my whole world, but they have made my world whole" ~ Roger Caras