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@Mz iMac Now that sounds like my kind of holiday dream. Me wants to stow away in your baggage hehehe! You have a wonderful time! Hugs xxxx Stormy

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I am not into the holidays since my dad passed away 6 years ago. And even more so I'm not now that my grand kids are 18,16, and 12. Its just not the same.


However, I put on my best Christmas happy face for everyone (when I really feel like staying in bed in my PJ's!


Right now I am not even 1/2 finished with my Christmas shopping, and I used to be finished and wrapped by Thanksgiving!

And in the end, the love you take is equal to the love you make~ The Beatles
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I am at the point where I make the day easy for everyone. I do ham because it's easy, German potato salad, because everyone likes it. I have a vegetable, and a salad, rolls desert, and a relish tray. I use my good china but everything is low key, no gifts

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Thank you!!


My days of doing all the "family holiday dinners," decorating the whole house for each holiday spending time w/family & close friends have been long gone for me.


When I retired, I told " the family & close friends" don't invite me to your house over the holidays.  I will plop my skinny self on a couch & NOT contribute or help out w/anything  & don't expect to come to mine.  Why?...... because I'm entitled & I won't be there!!!! kiss.gif



It's my time baby!! yahoo.gif



"Never argue with a fool. Onlookers may not be able to tell the difference."


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I still enjoy Christmas and decorating my apt. for it.  I no longer have a real tree but my artifical tabletop one with lights in just fine.  I put deocorations out and enjoy the atmosphere by myself.  Now all we need is snow Christmas Eve night into Christmas morning and it will be perfect.  Cat Very Happy

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As it's just me my decorating takes five minutes but I do look forward to cooking and trying different things each year.  I try and make a different side dish for both Thankgiving and Christmas to expand my culinary circle . . . Smiley Happy

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@goldensrbest  I felt that way for quite a few years after my daughter moved out on her own after college, and then got married.  And, after years of entertaining both sides of the family, there was no one left.

Then, the grandbabies came along.  They are 4 and 18 months.  And, I'm back into the holidays again because I can relive everything through them.


I still think celebrating every other year would be good.  12 months go by awfully fast nowadays. 

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@Goldengate8361 wrote:

I, for one, would love it if we could just skip over to January. I don't have kids or a husband and I have limited extended family out of town, so I personally don't love holidays. I know many people really enjoy them, however, so I guess I'm happy that our culture has them for those people. 



This was me for most of my life, so I totally relate. It's no longer true and I'm able to actually be with/in the middle of what small family I have. It's a great feeling. 


While the decorating, special china and elaborate meals are nice, to me they are icing on the cake (was going to say gravy, and not necessary. My family has always been the type to make enough food to feed an army and anyone who needed some turkey, warmth & cheer was welcome. Sometimes there weren't enough chairs, or tables, plates or silverware (never mind matching) but people know they're welcome at our house. Something you can't trade for gold. It's not that hectic any more, but the mat's still out.

Life without Mexican food is no life at all
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@bri20 wrote:

I don't feel that way.


I understand people who do feel that way. It's not an easy time of year for everybody. 




i agree @bri20 and i hope i never feel this 54 this is still a magical time for me and i dont even have grandkids or in laws yet.

"The world is a dangerous place, not because of those who do evil, but because of those who look on and do nothing." - Albert Einstein
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I love the Christmas season, but am all about drama free and stress free.   My cards are done, and my shopping is done except for 3 gift cards and batteries.   75% of the groceries are already in the house.    


My family has discussed decorations, decided what we want, agreed on the day we're going to decorate, and how much time (2 hours max) we are willing to devote to the decorating.   The 4 adults in this house want simple decorations that give a gentle reminder of the season; we do not want every surface in the house covered, screaming Christmas everywhere we go.   


Its been 5 years since my MIL died, and my SIL wants to resurrect the holiday gathering at her house this year.  She's not happy that both older brothers have already said NO!   I'm not getting caught up in that tradition, or family drama again.   I just want to spend quiet time with my family, and enjoy the day.