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I spent many years as a single parent and many holidays were lean. The first Thanksgiving after I left the ex, we had PB & J for dinner.


Life is much, much better and we can travel, stay home and celebrate as we please.


But I celebrate gratitude every year.

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Yes, I do not like the holidays at all and I never have.  If it was only about family and food and get togethers like Thanksgiving, I'd love it. I do like the family time.


i hate shopping trying to find gifts for people that they don't need ant or appreciate and I don't like receiving gifts either.   I don't like decorating or having to put that junk away afterwards.  Christmas is my least favorite holiday.  It's so out of hand and crazy. It causes people to go into debt and people with little means to feel bad that they can't give their children much. 


There is too much depression and suicide during December.  Way too much stress too.


It's supposed to be a religious day, not a circus.  

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@gidgetgh wrote:

@Noel7 wrote:

I for one am doing all I can think of to cut down on the work.  We always use our brown Spode dishes and I set the table to match.  It means going into the basement and dragging up heavy boxes.


I just told the family I want to skip that and use the nice Polish stoneware which is upstairs.  It won't look traditional but it will be nice and save a lot of work.


I'm also going to get pies from the bakery and cut down on side dishes.


I do have the decorations up and they look really nice.  A little different this year, displays like the Memory Weaver.


I haven't planned Christmas yet.



@Noel7- I bought cute as a button Thanksgiving paper plates and napkins at Target and that's what we're using. I sold my fine china, which I never used, earlier this year. 





Hooray for you!  Woman LOL


I'm all for us doing what's best for ourselves!

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I don't feel that way.


I understand people who do feel that way. It's not an easy time of year for everybody. 


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Re: Holidays coming

[ Edited ]

@colliegirls wrote:

The problem is that few of us have a family like the "Waltons".  The holidays can be very stressful for many. Loss is more profound during the holidays.  Nothing is perfect.





There's just DH, me and our daughter.  I have no other living relatives.  I used to give big dinners no more.


If you attend a church, many have a community TDay dinner. 


Are there one or two friends you could potluck with?


I hope you can make your day nice for yourself, maybe go out  Heart

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I have not even realized Thanksgiving was coming up with being so ill. I do not think we will be doing anything this year but hopefully healing. This illness has really changed some things for me so all of the former expectations, hustle and bustle doesnt mean anything now. I think I will write a gratitude list instead. No gifts this year, no stress and expectations. Just being thankful that so far I have made it through these 2 surgeries these past few weeks. Is very eye opening the things that no longer matter so much.....and the other things that now do matter more...I cant quite explain it yet fully except I no longer feel any wants other then make the most of the time I have. I hope that made some sense. Spend the holidays as you would like even if it means sans the commercialism.

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My DH just loves to have holidays at home with as many friends & family as possible.Of course, he does absolutely NOTHING of the work. We are having 6 guests for Thanksgiving and 4 for Christmas. I'll be exhausted. And while I'm cleaning it all up by myself he'll be asleep.




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It's not about "feelings" for everyone, but that counts, too.


For example, most people with lupus are lucky to be able to shower and wash their hair, most need to rest after.


Think how that plays out over putting together the holidays. 


I love the holidays, which is why I start early.  I also have a really wonderful DH and daughter who pitch right in. IMO that makes me lucky, I don't look down on anyone who can't do what some others can do. 

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I'm retired.  So I spend all holidays being catered to either at a casino resort or sitting under a palm tree on an island sipping slowly on a tropical drink. 


Thanksgiving week, I'll be at a casino resort.

Christmas week, I'll be on 2 week Caribbean cruise w/the S.O.

"Never argue with a fool. Onlookers may not be able to tell the difference."


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@151949 wrote:

My DH just loves to have holidays at home with as many friends & family as possible.Of course, he does absolutely NOTHING of the work. We are having 6 guests for Thanksgiving and 4 for Christmas. I'll be exhausted. And while I'm cleaning it all up by myself he'll be asleep.




Wanna trade with me?  I'll have close to 40 people this year for Thanksgiving.  My DH will help with the dishes.  Every year he manages to break plates, bowls and or glassware because he is in a hurry.


Thank goodness, my oldest son wants to have everybody at his house for Christmas.  His wife doesn't cook, but she bakes.  I will be making most of the entree items and my son will make the sides.  I will not have to do any cleanup.