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Re: Holiday Weekend 🌧🌧

The Pacific NW is sunny, blue skies and warm.  Heat increasing each day to hit 90 degrees Tuesday. Supposed to stay this way for a week.  

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Re: Holiday Weekend 🌧🌧

Rain would be nice, it's going to be 106 on Monday 😳
In a drought AGAIN 😔
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Re: Holiday Weekend 🌧🌧


There's 2 things I miss most about living in ABQ.

1). Best Mexican food on the planet

2). The weather; even in the heat swamp cooling is the BEST

Time is just a drop in the bucket compared to eternity. It isn’t how long you live that matters; it is how well you are prepared to die. ~~Colonel Robert B. Thieme, Jr.
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Re: Holiday Weekend 🌧🌧

@SurferWife   I cool with a swamp cooler and have never had any desire to switch to refrigerated air.  The cost to run it is nominal. We haven't even hit 90° yet this year.  Maybe today. 

New Mexico☀️Land Of Enchantment
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Re: Holiday Weekend 🌧🌧

@Kachina624 wrote:

Warm, very dry and sunny in Albuquerque but we could get some rain next week, in which case we'd be overjoyed.  Our relative humidity has been running about 4% most afternoons. 

Wow @Kachina624 I didn't think it could get drier than here in Denver, but you've got us beat.


Will send good raindance juju to you, we have afternoon thunderstorms and showers today through Monday.

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Re: Holiday Weekend 🌧🌧


@Sugipine wrote:

It's going to be rainy here in Colorado for the next two days. To be honest, I'm actually glad that the weather will be that way b/c frankly people are out of control here with gatherings, parties and crazy traffic. Maybe the thunderstorms will have a calming effect or at least put a damper on some of the craziness around here.



We're full blast up here too with traffic, gattherings etc in metro Denver.  This moisture is great, I think the whole state is out of the drought now?

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Re: Holiday Weekend 🌧🌧

65 degrees and sunny here in the Seattle area.  I just watered the neighbors yard (they are in Maui) and planted my herb garden in my window box.  

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Re: Holiday Weekend 🌧🌧

@rockygems123 wrote:


@Sugipine wrote:

It's going to be rainy here in Colorado for the next two days. To be honest, I'm actually glad that the weather will be that way b/c frankly people are out of control here with gatherings, parties and crazy traffic. Maybe the thunderstorms will have a calming effect or at least put a damper on some of the craziness around here.



We're full blast up here too with traffic, gattherings etc in metro Denver.  This moisture is great, I think the whole state is out of the drought now?





Seems Colorado's drought situ has a split personality. Half the state is in an exceptional drought while the other half has almost no drought. This map is the latest.


Drought conditions continue to improve in eastern Colorado, remain dire on  Western Slope

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Registered: ‎05-22-2016

Re: Holiday Weekend 🌧🌧

The outdoor cooking on everyone's grills around here is choking me. The air is thick with smoke and the smell of burning hotdogs and burgers. I don't eat meat and this is so unpleasant let me tell you.Smiley Tongue

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Re: Holiday Weekend 🌧🌧

@QVCkitty1  I put another blanket on my bed at around 4am, then I turned on the heat this morning! We've had over 3 1/2 inches of rain in the past 2 days! We really needed it, so can't complain. It seems to always rain on Memorial Day weekend. But, it is certainly colder than usual. I made chili this afternoon!