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It rained yesterday, it's raining today, and it will tomorrow. Monday it looks like we'll see some sunshine. I hope your weather is better, but in any case I hope you all have a safe and peaceful weekend.  🇺🇸

" You are entitled to your opinion. But you are not entitled to your own facts."
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Re: Holiday Weekend 🌧🌧

Warm, very dry and sunny in Albuquerque but we could get some rain next week, in which case we'd be overjoyed.  Our relative humidity has been running about 4% most afternoons. 

New Mexico☀️Land Of Enchantment
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Re: Holiday Weekend 🌧🌧

Happy Memorial Day weekend everyone! We've been busy all morning. It's a bit chilly, but a beautiful day all around so far. DH decided to smoke the brisket today and not on Monday due to the weather the next couple of days.


Smelling the brisket wafting around outside and through the house when the door opens is pure heaven. DH says it will be between 7-9pm before we can enjoy it...can't wait! Smiley Very Happy

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Re: Holiday Weekend 🌧🌧

@Susan Louise wrote:

Happy Memorial Day weekend everyone! We've been busy all morning. It's a bit chilly, but a beautiful day all around so far. DH decided to smoke the brisket today and not on Monday due to the weather the next couple of days.


Smelling the brisket wafting around outside and through the house when the door opens is pure heaven. DH says it will be between 7-9pm before we can enjoy it...can't wait! Smiley Very Happy

@Susan Louise , That sounds delicious ! 😋😋

" You are entitled to your opinion. But you are not entitled to your own facts."
Daniel Patrick Moynihan
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Re: Holiday Weekend 🌧🌧

Very rainy/windy weekend for us too.  It's actually quite chilly again in the northeast.

Crazy time of year, last week we hit 90 and today it's 49!    I may have to turn the heat back on tonight!   

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Re: Holiday Weekend 🌧🌧

It's going to be rainy here in Colorado for the next two days. To be honest, I'm actually glad that the weather will be that way b/c frankly people are out of control here with gatherings, parties and crazy traffic. Maybe the thunderstorms will have a calming effect or at least put a damper on some of the craziness around here.

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Re: Holiday Weekend 🌧🌧

VERY chilly here in CT.  Two days ago, our central a/c was on.  Today I turned the heat on.  It IS crazy!  But I can't STAND the heat, so I'm OK with it!  {*_*}



ETERNITY: your choice... smoking or non smoking!
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Re: Holiday Weekend 🌧🌧

It's very cool and rainy here, but I'm loving it....I must be crazy for loving these temps at the end of May, but I really hate hot weather, so I'll take it while it's here.  Maybe I should move to the upper northwest??

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Re: Holiday Weekend 🌧🌧

BRRRRR. Cold, rainy and windy here in east central Pa into Mon. afternoon,then maybe clear up and get into upper 60's. Right now it's only 50. It hadn't rained here for over 2 weeks and was on the warm to hot side. I'm sure this is messing with some people's cookout plans.

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Re: Holiday Weekend 🌧🌧

We would give anything for your rain 😩.