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Re: Helping the hurricane four-legged victims

Some of the larger airplane companies are also flying out many lost dogs and cats, for lack of a better umbrella description.

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Re: Helping the hurricane four-legged victims

@on the bay wrote:

Hi @software-

I always donate to our local humane society-my favorite!

I did for the Texas/Houston one too.

And for Irma, the animal rescue/greater good.

I was just making suggestions in case others needed them.

I'm glad you have a good humane society!

I know ours is taking in rescues from FL.


During Harvery, people gave all kinds of great suggestions for who to donate to. I had a harder time finding specific ones to Irma so I thought we could all give our ideas.



Good to know, I haven't heard much coming out of FL either.

And my post wasn't for you specifically, you have great information, I was somewhat responding to the thread in general.   I didn't want you to think I was giving you a "lecture", LOL


All of us have made cats & dogs dependent on us, they are some of the most vulnerable victims in a disaster and they deserve all the help we can give them.   They are not more important than people, that's not the point.   It's not a matter of who deserves help more.    No matter their circumstances, they deserve our help as best we can.

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Re: Helping the hurricane four-legged victims

One more thing:


You can make FREE donations of cat food, dog food and litter through FreeKibble - they're on line.


They frequently have flights rescuing animals - recently took 123 Tigers from private ownership and circuses to Africa.  


Right now they are flying animals out of Irma areas, and asking for donations.


***  The click through for FREE food and litter is something you can do to help everyday, and did I mention it's FREE?

"Animals are not my whole world, but they have made my world whole" ~ Roger Caras
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Re: Helping the hurricane four-legged victims

[ Edited ]

@on the bay  I had meant to respond to your post earlier and it slipped  my mind.  For any other organization to claim the SPCA euthanize 65% of its intake is riduculous and irresponsible when they do indeed place 100% of their adoptables and that's not just dogs and cats but reptiles, birds, rabbits,  rodents, big cats, livestock (horse adoption program), fish... you name it.


They do have a difference in philosophy with Best Friends over the handling of aggressive pit bulls.  It may have started with the Michael Vick dogs.  The SPCA does not have the facilities to keep dogs long term nor are they willing to take aggressive dogs, "rehabilitate" them and put them in homes.  They feel they can never be trusted, and I agree, I surely wouldn't want one.  I'd like to know the truthful inside story of how successful those adoptions were as you never hear anything about them.  The pit bull rescue in New Orleans recognizes that there are certain dogs that should never be considered for adoption.  Everyone seems to agree with this philosophy except Best Friends.  There are politics in animal rescue as in everything else.


In their own words...


Founded in 1924, the Houston SPCA is Houston's first and largest animal protection organization and shelter. Our mission is to promote commitment to and respect for all animals and free them from suffering, abuse and exploitation, and our vision is that we will lead our community to appreciate the value of animals. Committed to all animals, the Houston SPCA provides quality, humane care to dogs and cats, rabbits and other small mammals, birds, horses, farm animals and more. We also facilitate the protection and rehabilitation of injured, ill, orphaned and oiled native wildlife through our affiliate, Wildlife Rehab & Education. We are also the only shelter in the Greater Gulf Coast area with the ability to provide humane, temporary shelter to big cats and other exotic animals. All programs offered by the Houston SPCA-excluding adoptions, pet-training classes and Critter Camp-are free of charge, a service to our community and its animals, and we place 100% of our adoptable animals

New Mexico☀️Land Of Enchantment
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Re: Helping the hurricane four-legged victims

Another good organization is Lucy Pet.



They provide low cost spay/neuter, and they have flown dogs and cats to shelters in the San Francisco Bay Area.

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Re: Helping the hurricane four-legged victims


Thank you so much for recommending FreeKibble!

I didn't know about them and I tried it and its fun as well as free clicking donations!

Thats like animalrescue but they don't have the fun questions. I'll do both from now on!

"If you walk the footsteps of a stranger, you'll learn things you never knew. Can you sing with all the voices of the mountains? can you paint with all the colors of the wind?"
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Re: Helping the hurricane four-legged victims


I can't be objective about pitbulls.

My 3 granddogs that I lived with were all 100% pitbulls.

When my son first got them, I thought why would he get them!?! The only thing I had ever known about them was what I heard or read in the news.

Never have I or anyone in my family known the most loveable gentle and loyal dogs we have ever known.Once you meet and own and love one, you will be in love forever and know that what is reported about them is directly related to their owner, not the breed, just as any dog is.

Everyone who met our first granddog said he was the sweetest dog they had ever met!

I do believe that any animal with the wrong owner can be trained the wrong way. I hate humans that use animals this way.

(We don't ever mention MV's name.)

If an organization mentions one specific breed, that makes me very wary of them. Boxers, German Shepherds, collies, heck chihuahuas! any dogs or animals can be trained to be aggressive.

So I guess you can see I am not one to be objective about them at all.

But thank you for your perspective.

I can see you do think well of the SPCA and have done research. That's what we all have to do and make our own decisions.

I know we are all passionate animal lovers here, I just always have to stick up for the best dogs I've ever known!Heart

"If you walk the footsteps of a stranger, you'll learn things you never knew. Can you sing with all the voices of the mountains? can you paint with all the colors of the wind?"
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Re: Helping the hurricane four-legged victims

[ Edited ]

@on the bay I don't for a minute believe the SPCA euthanizes all the pits they bring in, but some are so aggressive they can't be safely handled by the staff.  That would of course apply to other breeds as well.  Those are the dogs that I wouldn't want to have the responsibility for placing in homes.  When you deal with rescues you often have no idea how they were raised or by whom or for what purpose, or what their breeding was.  Sometimes you can't afford to take chances if a dog displays aggressive tendencies. 


I got to be a fan of the Pits by watching Pit Bulls & Parolees. 

New Mexico☀️Land Of Enchantment
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Re: Helping the hurricane four-legged victims

My daughter has a rescue pit and he is so sweet. Not a mean bone in his body. 

I was at a store last year and there was a pit running in the parking lot. I made sure he was friendly and sat with him waiting for animal control. An hour I sat with that sweet dog and finally his owner showed up saying he was looking all over for him. The dog jumped in his car and started drinking his soda. 

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Re: Helping the hurricane four-legged victims

@Noel7 wrote:

Some of the larger airplane companies are also flying out many lost dogs and cats, for lack of a better umbrella description.

@Noel7  Southwest did a whole plane load.  It was so cute to see a pet carrier strapped into every seat with a seatbelt.  No traveling in the hold for these dogs. 

New Mexico☀️Land Of Enchantment