Valued Contributor
Posts: 856
Registered: ‎07-17-2019

Re: Help! Medicare prescription coverage

@Carmie @Glad you chimed in. Smiley Happy

Just trying to help others as you had helped me when I was trying to navigate this convoluted process.You are the expert! 


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Registered: ‎03-09-2010

Re: Help! Medicare prescription coverage

[ Edited ]

Medicare only provides Parts A and B, hospital and doctor coverage  They donot cover any prescriptions.  You must sign up for your own RX coverage.  This is called Part D.  You have to sign up yourself  Medicare for Part D.  I think you are confused.  DONOT tell them you want to disenroll from Medicare.  You may find yourselg with NO insurance coverage at all.  Please go to your HR dept at your work or even a insurance broker for clarififcation on what coverage you have.  You need to know for your own peace of mind to know this

What you are paying to medicare every month is for Part A and B  not D.

No Rx coverage is included in that.  

Super Contributor
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Registered: ‎06-28-2010

Re: Help! Medicare prescription coverage

Thanks everyone for your help.  I read each of your responses and then called my friend who I used to work with. She took 15 minutes to explain to me what I was confused about.  And finally I understand.  Everything is as it should be and I'm leaving my coverage as it is.  I feel like such a dummy.  I so appreciate your help.  Thanks again.

Valued Contributor
Posts: 856
Registered: ‎07-17-2019

Re: Help! Medicare prescription coverage

@Scooty @Do not feel like a dummy. This Medicare book is over 100 pages. It is overwhelming with things you need to know and a new language to learn. ...Plan A-Z, Part B and D, Medicare, Medigap, Advantage, Supplement. TV Commercial galore. As an English speaking teacher with several degrees, I was stressed out, too.


Glad you figured it out ...until next year.

Frequent Contributor
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Registered: ‎03-10-2010

Re: Help! Medicare prescription coverage

I am new to Medicare also.  You Tube has some excellent videos that explain the process.  Maybe you should contact an insurance broker who specializes in Medicare.  That helped me also.  I do not want an Advantage plan, so I went with traditional Medicare with a supplement and Part D,  The Medigap plan is Plan G.

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Registered: ‎03-10-2010

Re: Help! Medicare prescription coverage


@Scooty wrote:

Thanks everyone for your help.  I read each of your responses and then called my friend who I used to work with. She took 15 minutes to explain to me what I was confused about.  And finally I understand.  Everything is as it should be and I'm leaving my coverage as it is.  I feel like such a dummy.  I so appreciate your help.  Thanks again.

@Scooty   Don't feel bad as you had a legitimate concern.  Carmie knows her stuff and I felt certain you had a package deal, as do I, which couldn't be separated, just as she described. 

New Mexico☀️Land Of Enchantment
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Registered: ‎07-16-2021

Re: Help! Medicare prescription coverage

Maybe your employer is paying part D for you, in which case are getting Medicare prescription coverage and shouldn't need to enroll in it again.

Posts: 48
Registered: ‎06-08-2010

Re: Help! Medicare prescription coverage

There are 3 types of Medicare Plans, Traditional with supplementary, PPO and HMO .

With the PPO plan premium is around $50.00 / month including a Prescription plan.

The Traditiional you pick a Prescription plan we pay $72.00 / month with a deductible of around $400.00 in January.  Be careful not taking a Prescription Plan when you get Medicare my Aunt was penalized when she decided to take a Prescription plan later

after getting Medicare she said was not told needed to purchase one at the time of

getting Medicare did not ask her what she pays.  Hope this helps or food for thought.


Trusted Contributor
Posts: 1,892
Registered: ‎07-16-2021

Re: Help! Medicare prescription coverage

Medicare is run by the gov't, so it is needlessly convoluted and confusing on some things. Just like Social Security and the IRS. Plain language isn't what they do....I am glad you got your questions answered.