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I just got back from running errands, and I'm soaked. It is so hot already and it will only get worse. I usually love summer, but this year I'm over it. Raise your hand if you are anxious for fall. 🍁🍂🍁

" You are entitled to your opinion. But you are not entitled to your own facts."
Daniel Patrick Moynihan
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Nope!  I'm alwayls very sad when the long beautiful and even HOT days of summer wane!  

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✋🏻🤚🏼Both hands are raised here in Arizona. Ready for Fall but it won’t be here until Halloween. 

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I love Fall, but I am not anxious for it.  Would rather just have cooler temps.  


What I fear is this heat may become our new normal.

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Me too! I live south of Charlotte NC and mowed the dog's yard with a self-propelled push mower this morning .....about 45 minutes. Dripping when I came in. 


We have needed rain and have gotten A LOT of it in the past several weeks. 

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I live in Western Pa.  The heat and humidity has been relentless.  20 miles from us there has been major flooding issues but we are in a draught.   Can't wait to open windows and get fresh, cool air at night.  Plus ac hasn't quit since May.  Huge electric bills.

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I'm ready for winter.

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I hate this heat and humidity; it's kicking my asthma into full gear. Can't remember when I've had this much problem with it. Come on cooler temps!!!!!

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I saw a few spots of orange it the maple trees. These are a variety that colors early, but it is  on the way....hang on everyone, the frost will be on the pumpkin on about 60 days