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Did you have one of these? My childhood home had one in the den where we watched TV. Wall panels heated the house, but that was our cozy room for days like this. All of our heat was powered by butane (propane is today's term) stored in a tank beside our home. Farm life.



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Yes, we had gas heat and a very similar looking furnace in the 60's that used to have that big silver venting pipe attached to it.   Geez, I had forgotten all about took up a lot of space in our kitchen!

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We had these kinds of natural gas wall panels in some of the places where we lived. Usually the only place warm was in the room where that panel was located. Everywhere else was cold. Hated it.


Old fugly gas wall heater - what to do? : r/malelivingspace


BTW, butane is not the same thing as propane.

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I have old fashioned radiators and steam pipes, the trouble is my main room is 22 ft by 12ft with three window and a small radiator at the end of the room. We use a space heater to warm the area where we sit

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@SilleeMee Those are the wall panels we had to heat the home. They left cold spots. The little guy in the picture was small. Maybe 2 feet wide and 3 feet tall. It was not vented outside, but had a direct line from the tank to the heater. I do not believe that would be up to today's codes, but it was warm.

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Re: Heat Source

[ Edited ]

What a comforting memory this morning!❤ My dear grandmother had one similar in her den as well, and because there was no door in the doorway, she had a sheet that she would let down to hold the heat in on frosty winter mornings.😊


I was stubborn, and what she called "hard-headed" as a child and would sometimes push boundaries, but after a "singe" or two, I knew not to get too close! I can still hear her fussing at me.😂


I am smiling as I reminisce, and THANK YOU for sharing this distant, soul hugging memory from my childhood!🥰



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@On It 

I lived in an old house that was built in the late 1800's. It still had an old coal shoot out back and also the original coal stove in the basement. Upstairs on the main floor there was this grate on the floor in the middle of the living room, off to one side. The rest of the house had radiators but those were an upgrade along with a natural gas boiler to heat them.


I can't imagine that this would be the only heat source but it was in that old house.


Well, I know what it is, it's a grate. Does anyone know why it would be in  the floor of a side-room off a kitchen in an 1840s farmhouse? :  r/whatisthisthing

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We had similar heaters in our shotgun house when I was growing up in the 1950s-60s in New Orleans.  But no propane - natural gas powered the space heaters, hot water heater and stove.  It was piped into the house from municipal source, just like water. 


I cringe when I think about how dangerous those things were in a house with children by today's standards.  But none of us were ever hurt. And I loved to come inside on a cold day and stand right in front of that heater to warm up.

"Breathe in, breathe out, move on." Jimmy Buffett
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Our house was heated by a wood and coal furnace; heat register in the kitchen heated that room, bathroom and boys bedroom. Second register in the hallway kept the living room and front bedrooms warm. The register was right outside my bedroom door and kept my room HOT, as the furnace was under my bedroom floor and the flue was behind the sheet rock wall behind my door. I tried to keep my door shut to keep my room cool and was caught numerous times with my window open. Our house was always 80 and above.
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@SilleeMee wrote:

We had these kinds of natural gas wall panels in some of the places where we lived. Usually the only place warm was in the room where that panel was located. Everywhere else was cold. Hated it.


Old fugly gas wall heater - what to do? : r/malelivingspace


BTW, butane is not the same thing as propane.

@SilleeMee      I had one of those in an old apartment in L.A. in the 1970s.  One day I stood too close to it...and my WIG got singed!!    di

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