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Re: Heartbreaking Walmart Story


 You seemed to be judging the cashier, but perhaps I'm wrong.

I was thinking of the child and that the woman could have done better with her limited finances. 

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Re: Heartbreaking Walmart Story


i can't imagine what folks with young families are going through just trying to feed them


the grocery prices are unreal


hard to get worked up over the price of a top on shopping channel that no one really needs

~~today may be my last.....i choose JOY!~~
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Re: Heartbreaking Walmart Story

@occasionalrain wrote:


 You seemed to be judging the cashier, but perhaps I'm wrong.

I was thinking of the child and that the woman could have done better with her limited finances. 

Wow!  And that's not judgmental?

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Re: Heartbreaking Walmart Story

@occasionalrain wrote:


 You seemed to be judging the cashier, but perhaps I'm wrong.

I was thinking of the child and that the woman could have done better with her limited finances. 

I am not judging anyone. I relayed what the cashier stated. Why are you trying to derail this thread with your opinions. Very sad we can't have adult discussions.

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Re: Heartbreaking Walmart Story

I lived it at one time in my life. Not ashamed of that experience at all.


The 10 Items or Less line needed to tide us over for a week. 




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Re: Heartbreaking Walmart Story

@elated wrote:

Today, I stopped by Walmart to get a few items. When I went to checkout the woman ahead of me was paying for her groceries. Her little girl was playing on the cart. I saw her continuing to count her money. I thought the cashier was not finished ringing up her groceries. The woman gave the cashier back some of her groceries. They were two frozen dinners. They were the Mega Banquet Dinners for $2.98 each. By the time the groceries were returned, the cashier gave it to her coworker to put away. I would have paid had I known she was short. The cashier said the woman wouldn't listen to her about counting her money on the grocery bag turn table. She was disgruntled.


It just breaks my heart to see people struggling to pay for food. It made me stop and think to be thankful for what I have.  



Thank you for posting this, it is truly heartbreaking and as others have stated it makes us look inward and not to take for granted our own situations. 


Makes you think what we can do as individuals on a small or even large scale.


I appreciate your post.



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Re: Heartbreaking Walmart Story

@elated @rockygems123   Looking for a way to contribute?  Donate to your local food bank.  Here in Chicago we have the Greater Chicago Food Depository.  Every litte bit helps!


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Re: Heartbreaking Walmart Story

@kaydee50 wrote:

@elated @rockygems123   Looking for a way to contribute?  Donate to your local food bank.  Here in Chicago we have the Greater Chicago Food Depository.  Every litte bit helps!




Yes that is a great reminder!  We already do that and would like to do more.  

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Registered: ‎02-07-2011

Re: Heartbreaking Walmart Story

@rockygems123 wrote:

@kaydee50 wrote:

@elated @rockygems123   Looking for a way to contribute?  Donate to your local food bank.  Here in Chicago we have the Greater Chicago Food Depository.  Every litte bit helps!




Yes that is a great reminder!  We already do that and would like to do more.  

Volunteer at a soup kitchen.  Eye opening experience and very rewarding.


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Re: Heartbreaking Walmart Story

@occasionalrain  respectfully, since we don't know what was in her other bags and you are judging her on two frozen dinners perhaps you might consider her reason for those two dinners.  She has a small child, perhaps she works multiple jobs and those would have given her a break from cooking.  Not everyone is a good cook, or has time to put together a "homemade" meal every night.  Yes you can make meals ahead but since no one here walks in her shoes and has ANY idea what her life is like, perhaps we should not judge her on a couple of items?  
     We all try to make good choices.  I know when my kids were young there were times I opted for a "quick meal".  I was working weekends, holidays, and for a time two jobs.  I didn't feel guilty and my kids weren't harmed.  It gave me more time with them.  I considered that a "better choice" 😊