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He should be proud of himself...

Rob Gronkowski, finally a sports star who understands life in the NFL can be short lived:


Gronk saves all his NFL money, lives off endorsements


Rob Gronkowski may be a knucklehead, but he’s a knucklehead who’s wise about his money.

In fact, Gronkowski writes in his new autobiography that he’s downright thrifty. Although Gronkowski has already made more than $10 million from the Patriots in his five NFL seasons, he says he hasn’t spent any of that. He lives on his endorsement and appearance money and saves his NFL money for retirement.

“To this day, I still haven’t touched one dime of my signing bonus or NFL contract money. I live off my marketing money and haven’t blown it on any big-money expensive cars, expensive jewelry or tattoos and still wear my favorite pair of jeans from high school, Gronkowski writes, via

Gronkowski goes on to point out that any off-field antics he’s been involved with have been victimless, and he’s just a guy who likes to have a fun time. By saving his money, Gronkowski is ensuring that the good times will last long after his playing career ends


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Re: He should be proud of himself...

Awesome!  He should be proud! Planning ahead for his medical expenses. 

Fate whispers to her, "You cannot withstand the storm." She whispers back, "I am the storm."

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Re: He should be proud of himself...

Nice to hear.  Very smart young man.

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Re: He should be proud of himself...

Smart guy! 


Here's a fun endorsement from Dunkin' Donuts. Gronk and Big Papi sing about how much they love iced coffee. 




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Posts: 11,045
Registered: ‎03-10-2010

Re: He should be proud of himself...

Thanks everyone. More the sports stars could learn a thing or two from his wise philosopy.


**Careful... I have caps lock and I am not afraid to use it.**
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Re: He should be proud of himself...

I wish he was my son!  I'd be so proud of him.  There's young man with his head firmly planted on his shoulders. 


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Re: He should be proud of himself...

[ Edited ]

That reminds me of Jay Leno.  Jay lives on his stand-up money alone.  All his Tonight Show money for all of those years went straight into the bank.  You can still live well and save your money if you have your wits about you.  Too many celebs think that money will continue to flow in for their entire lives, so they spend, spend, spend.

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Re: He should be proud of himself...

That's exactly my philosophy and the way I have always lived.



Of course.... on a much...much...much...much...much.....much.......much,  etc.....smaller scale.


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Posts: 13,954
Registered: ‎03-10-2010

Re: He should be proud of himself...

I have worked with all three Gronkowski brothers and their dad on advertising for their fitness stores (G&G Fitness) and for special meet and greet events, like auto shows and autograph signings.

The dad raised all 3 boys to make it to the NFL and at one time all 3 were playing in the league. Gronk was such a special player that he and his dad moved to another state (I think PA) so he could play in better prep school leagues. The dad sacrificed a LOT for the sake of his boys.

They all are very nice and respectful guys (at least to an old timer like me!).

"Gronk" - the most famous brother - might be a big goofball, but he still listens to his dad and takes his advice.