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Re: Have you lived up to your potential?

I am certain my professors would have expected more accomplishments from me, based on how they perceived my potential. But I am happy with what I have done in my life, and the varied careers I was able to experience. Best of all was helping my DH experience his dream of owning his own business and working night and day to help make it happen. Not a single regret.


But I didn't come here to accomplish, I came here to encourage with kindness and enthusiasm, and from that perspective I believe I discovered the far reaches of my potential. Uplifting someone in their moment of discouragement or sorrow is about as good as it gets.



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Re: Have you lived up to your potential?

I definitely have not lived up to my potential today. But it is only 7:02pm. Who knows?

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Re: Have you lived up to your potential?

@birkin baby wrote:

I definitely have not lived up to my potential today. But it is only 7:02pm. Who knows?

Gosh, it's only a little after 4 here...........I've got even more time...........

♥Surface of the Sun♥
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Re: Have you lived up to your potential?

I had made 4 main goals for myself when I was 25. I have met all of the goals I have set for myself. I am positive that wouldn't have happened had I not loved my career path. That had everything to do with my success, I could have never pictured myself doing anything else. 


In recent years, I have started winding down because I wanted to retire at 45 so I could do other things, charity mainly. Now I have 3 new goals every year that I try to reach with that. I also did one thing I never planned to, owning real estate. I like that too. I find I need to have goals in my life to feel vital, it keeps me focused. I am now 46 and while not quite retired, I definitely have cut my hours drastically. Each time I say I will be done by such and such a date my husband laughs and says I will believe it when I see it. I am getting there though! 

Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable.
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Re: Have you lived up to your potential?

(thread title)


beats me, but i traveled a long employment/multi-faceted life's  journey and am happy at where i ended up. 



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Re: Have you lived up to your potential?

Being a working single mom, being a caring daughter, helping a husband fufill his dream, living bravely with an illness, helping young people, facing whatever life brings.  Sounds like a lot of realized potential.  I salute you all.

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Re: Have you lived up to your potential?

@Desertdi wrote:

Apparently not.    My mother's greatest "dream" was for me to become a dental assistant.     I never heard the end of her complaining how I failed by not becoming one.   Instead, I worked in legal, accounting, and politics.    Later in life, I worked nights in a resort front office so I could be home during the day to cater to my mother's needs.  







It seems to me you've done very well, I hope there is a part of you that knows that.  Following your interests IS doing well Smiley Happy  I'm sorry you had to care for your mother along the way, it doesn't sound like it was easy.

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Re: Have you lived up to your potential?

@Noel7 wrote:

@Desertdi wrote:

Apparently not.    My mother's greatest "dream" was for me to become a dental assistant.     I never heard the end of her complaining how I failed by not becoming one.   Instead, I worked in legal, accounting, and politics.    Later in life, I worked nights in a resort front office so I could be home during the day to cater to my mother's needs.  







It seems to me you've done very well, I hope there is a part of you that knows that.  Following your interests IS doing well Smiley Happy  I'm sorry you had to care for your mother along the way, it doesn't sound like it was easy.

I second that @Desertdi!

Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable.
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Re: Have you lived up to your potential?

No, but I'm working on it.

Fate whispers to her, "You cannot withstand the storm." She whispers back, "I am the storm."

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Re: Have you lived up to your potential?



i never thought about my potential in life. my main goal was/is being independent and enjoying my journey through life. sure, i look back, but who that has high numbers in their age doesn't? i think most do.


