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Re: ~Have you ever wanted to be eaten by a snake?~

This is just stupid. Dangerous for both man and animal. I won't be watching either.

I edited this to correct....I guess it should be man and reptile.

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Re: ~Have you ever wanted to be eaten by a snake?~

On 11/6/2014 croemer said:

From what I am hearing there is a special device to pull him back out of the belly of the snake.

I think I have heard it all now.

I don't think he should be allowed to do this.

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Re: ~Have you ever wanted to be eaten by a snake?~

Can we say STUPID and CRUEL!? No, this man does not care about animals.{#emotions_dlg.angry}

Fate whispers to her, "You cannot withstand the storm." She whispers back, "I am the storm."

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Re: ~Have you ever wanted to be eaten by a snake?~

Not that I am a big fan of snakes...but this is just selfish and cruel. I am trying to think if there might be some medical benefits... as in research but HIGHLY doubt it?


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Re: ~Have you ever wanted to be eaten by a snake?~

What's happened to the Discovery Channel? Such poor choices of programming lately!
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Re: ~Have you ever wanted to be eaten by a snake?~

I agree with everyone who says this is a ridiculous and cruel stunt. I hope PETA gets on the case and puts a stop to it.

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Re: ~Have you ever wanted to be eaten by a snake?~

On 11/6/2014 croemer said:

Not that I am a big fan of snakes...but this is just selfish and cruel. I am trying to think if there might be some medical benefits... as in research but HIGHLY doubt it?

I agree, it seems there would be better ways to view the inside of a snake without causing trauma. Not to be gross, but with all the technical advances couldn't they put a camera inside a smaller animal that the snake would eat? From what I understand this show has already been filmed, so the guy already did it. I don't know how the snake made out, haven't clicked the link yet. The whole thing gives me the creeps.

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Re: ~Have you ever wanted to be eaten by a snake?~

I have no words for this

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Registered: ‎06-27-2010

Re: ~Have you ever wanted to be eaten by a snake?~

Active petition:


"The Discovery Channel is now committing animal abuse for creating a show called "Eaten Alive." A grown man in a "special suit" is planning on being eaten alive by a Green Anaconda. This is animal abuse to the highest degree and absolutely disgusting, and could kill the snake - an adult green anaconda cannot fit the width of an adult man's shoulders into its body. It once again reinforces the negative stereotype of snakes, which one would think would be the opposite of what Discovery should be trying to do. Please sign this petition and boycott the Discovery Channel and get this show taken off the air. I would like everyone to tweet and post to the Human Society so a prominent organization can take action."

Also: "CALL 1-571-262-4899 to voice your displeasure directly to The Discovery Channel."

link goes to:

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Re: ~Have you ever wanted to be eaten by a snake?~

How do they know the suit works?