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Have You Been a Patient at Laser Spine Institute?

I have been suffering from back problems for years and have been diagnosed with five different spine problems.  I have had all the interventions known except surgery and I have been told by two spine doctors that they would not do surgery, as I have three different areas that would need surgery.  The surgery would be a very, very, very difficult procedure as would the recovery with only 50% chance of it actually working.


The Laser Spine Institute said they would perform the surgery and we are in the midst of checking insurance, etc.


Have you had surgery at the Laser Spine Institute?  Or do you know firsthand of someone who has?  What was your experience?  Was the surgery successful?  How was your recovery?  How many follow-up visits did you have to have?  Any other comments?


Thank you for your responses.

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Re: Have You Been a Patient at Laser Spine Institute?

I would approach this surgery very cautiously, especially since you've received medical advice to the contrary.  I'm in the same situation and have been advised by four neurosurgeons that surgery would not be recommended.  They said that unless you have leg pain there is nothing that would be productive.  My sister had surgery in July and all her pain shifted from one side to the other (sciatica).  She's now going through surgery again in the near future.


This Laser Spine Institute is a for-profit hospital and seem a little too eager and willing to do surgery.  I wonder if they say no to anyone?  I worry that I could end up in worse condition than I am now.



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Re: Have You Been a Patient at Laser Spine Institute?

[ Edited ]

First off I am sorry to hear about your back. I too have a bad back. I had a double discectomy in my C Spine (so I wouldn't become paralyzed due to damage). My neck is fairly well since (not perfect)


BUT, my low back is what bothers me for years now (and I have damage on every level of my spine except the parts that were fixed in my neck). I get steroid shots, rhizotomys and all kinds of procedures year round at my pain management Dr. If it wasnt for my pain Dr I would not be walking.


Now as far as the Laser Spine Institute, no I never went there nor do I know anyone that did (maybe others on here do). However I asked my Neurosurgeon about them and he basically said they cant fix bad spine problems, only major surgery can. I even asked an opinion at another Neuro and they said no way would Laser Spine fix all the damage in my spine. So that's all I know is what they said.


I hope and pray you get help for your back. See what others say here about Laser Spine. Good luck!

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Re: Have You Been a Patient at Laser Spine Institute?

If you go into their website, I wonder if testamonials are given. Sometimes they are. Or check with local area hospitals for recommendations. I have different back problems than yours and no surgery, but thought maybe those ideas might help. Hope you find relief soon I know it can be very painful. Good luck.

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Re: Have You Been a Patient at Laser Spine Institute?

[ Edited ]

@wismiss  My SO did have laser spine surgery with a prominent neurosurgeon (stenosis, slight scoliosis and arthritis).  He didn't have sciatica and had significant arthritis so he was told he wouldn't get results as good as those whose pain went down the leg.  He did get great results but only lasted for about  3 years.  His sister who had the leg pain got 100% relief and many years later no problems.  

Do your homework.  We did and found that Laser Spine Inst does not have that great of a reputation.  They do mass screenings and mass production surgeries and very rarely do they turn someone down.  There are many great neurosurgeons who do laser spine surgery.  To get an appt my SO had to have an MRI and he had to submit that with a letter along with his doctor's  medical records.  He was then scheduled for a one on one appt where the surgeon reevaluated everything and he was told he could give him some relief.  Spinal laser surgery is a simple surgery and if you find the right surgeon you can get a good deal of relief in spite of many back issues.  

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Re: Have You Been a Patient at Laser Spine Institute?


Based on my neurosurgeon's advice, I would be skeptical.

His advice to me was that he recommends forms of exercise and not surgery unless unable to walk. 

I saw him for this many, many years ago so maybe there are newer Forms of treatment now.

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Re: Have You Been a Patient at Laser Spine Institute?

I am sorry for all your back pain issues, but I would avoid that place!


I have dealt with lower back arthritis and low pelvic pain issues for quite some time now.  Just a lot of pain.  Been everywhere, including two major hospital pain clinics.  No easy answers.  Had shots in my back, but they wear off, and you can only have so many in a year.


My doc finally referred me to a Physiatrist.  (A doc who specializes in physical medicine, rehab, and pain medicine.  They are spine specialists who focus on the body's musculoskeletal system, bones, joints, muscles, ligaments, and nerves.).  He prescribed gentle PT in a warm water pool for me as a starter.  The goal is to slowly build up my core.  Luckily, there is a PT facility with a warm water pool close to where I live.  I have been going three times a week now for a month, two day sessions in the pool and one session on the PT table.  My hips had been a bit misaligned, and now they are already aligned.  I do feel my core getting a bit stronger.  


While led this might not be the answer for everyone, the warm water pool is like heaven.  My SIL had multiple back surgeries, still a lot of pain, but goes to a warm water pool five times a week.  It has helped her so much!  It is so worth the time.  I have no idea of what the end game is for me, but I will continue to go to this pool as long as I can (it is open to the public at various times with a cheap membership).  


I wish you well on your journey, and to all suffering from chronic severe pain. There are many of us, and I hope my story can help somebody.  All my best!

And another word of advice:  only do prescribed exercises.  The wrong ones can make things worse.

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Re: Have You Been a Patient at Laser Spine Institute?

my Mother, 86, is scheduled for Minimally Invasive Spine Surgery next week.

she has debilitating leg pain and spinal stenosis and arthritis.  she is a very active person and now really cannot function at all. she did have cortico steroid injections.  and is on pain management.


she waited a long time - years - to make this decision. she would diagnose herself and tell anyone and everyone about her pain. would not see a doctor.  for months she insisted it was her hip.  it turned out she needed an MRI, which showed her disc degeneration and stenosis.  she refused to try PT. now she will be forced to do PT post-op.


 the doctors performing her surgery are affiliated with a teaching hospital and  have their own practice and accept Medicare.  the neurosurgeon works with an orthopedic surgeon . this practice is NOT Laser Spine. i researched Laser Spine Inst a few years ago for my mother and there were many complaints. its possible they were the first to offer MISS becuase the technology was not available to health care providers; Medicare had not yet approved the method. now it seems to be more widely offered.\


hopefully mother's surgery will be successful.  her cardio clearance came through and we are waiting on her PCP to review the pre-op results.



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Re: Have You Been a Patient at Laser Spine Institute?

[ Edited ]



Let me begin to say that I have had spinal problems since I was 11 years old. It started when I had an accident while playing volley ball during gym class. I fell backwards trying to hit a ball...I missed, but I fell on to my back. I got up like nothing happened. The next morning, I could not get out of bed or walk. I spent 4 days in the hospital, they got me walking like a wind up toy, and I spent the next year in and out of doctor's offices, xrays, pain pills, etc etc. The only real help I received was from a chiropractor, who was later arrested for child molestation, but that's a tale for another time. This was in 1967, so there were no advances in medicine really that could help me.


Anyway, 47 years later...and a year ago, I had major back surgery. June of 2015, I had neck surgery for Spinal Stenosis and bone spurs. I have been diagnosed with Sciatica, Scoliosis, among other things. When I was going for spinal pain injections, I was lying on the table..just before the sleep meds kicked in...and the nurse said as they placed the xray machine over my back..."Lord, honey, your back sure is curvy!" Needless to say, the injections did not work for me. I ended up having 4 vertebrea replaced in my neck along with a stainless steel wire holding it in place, plus Th10, Th11, Th12, L1, and L2 vertebrea removed and replaced with new vertebrea from the bone bank...(that makes me laugh when I think about it..who knew there was a bone bank?) last September, along with a bunch of stainless steel wiring. It has NOT been fun.


Would I do it again" NOPE. I feel the about the same as I did before the surgery as far as my back goes. My neck is much better...the Stenosis is bery slight. Once in awhile I get a twinge...but it is very rare, and usually when I over do it.


My reasoning for going through all of this was, to be able to dance at my son's wedding last November. That did not happen. I was in a wheelchair...but he got me out on the dance floor, wheelchair and all, and spun me around a few times.HeartHeart


I am still on pain meds, although not as bad as I was a year ago. I still use a walker, and I cannot use the regular potty. When I go out, I have to use the store scooter or my wheelchair.


This will account for the absence from the Q Boards over the last year or so. I've been sort of busy. LOL


So when I see a commercial on tv for the Laser Spine Institute, and the lady comes on and says it has been "an answer to prayer"...she's either an actress, or she had very little done to her back. My neurologist and I talk about this ad once in awhile.


I still some bone spurs on my shoulders, I still have pain in my legs and feet, I still have burning in the outer part of my thighs.I also have fibromyalgia and osteo-arthritis. Yeah, I'm a mess.LOL


This is my story, you have to decide for yourself, if you want this surgery. But, please think about it.

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Re: Have You Been a Patient at Laser Spine Institute?

I have been going to Yoga - talk about a work out - and it has helped alot.  I have not had sciatica and the numbing in the foot leg has diminished a bit. 


I am also wearning myself off of the Gababetin - I was told to not go off of the medication abruptly.


I can't bear the idea of more surgery and I have already been warned there is a 75 percent chance of a full recovery.


I am sticking with Yoga for now .... good luck to all of you -