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Re: Has anyone taken their dog to an eye specialist?

I'm glad your dog is doing well after the surgery. I too have a pet that needs a veterinary opthomologist. My German Shepherd has an eye disease that can blindness if not treated. So she's been on regular eye drops for a few years now and she has to stay out of the sun as much as possible. She even has doggie sunglasses but I can't get her to keep them on. Luckily her visits to the specialist aren't expensive and neither are her meds.

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Re: Has anyone taken their dog to an eye specialist?

My cocker spaniel had glaucoma and we used to take her to a veterinary opthamologist in Philadelphia. Her pressure in one eye went up so high and she had no sight in that eye so

they did the procedure on her eye. She was fine after that and lived a great life. Eventually

the glaucoma spread to the second eye.

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Re: Has anyone taken their dog to an eye specialist?

Thanks Lynnj, Jaxs mom and gayleb...My dog wore the (lampshade) collar for one week solid.... Now he has it off when I am home. He is not trying to rub or scratch his eye. Next Thursday... the stitches come out. He will have to use 2-3 different drops in his good eye. This will help delay glaucoma for approx. another year. I never heard of doggie sunglasses. Hmmm... I can't imagine keeping them on my dog either!