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Registered: ‎05-12-2014

Re: Has anyone read the book Boundaries by Dr. Cloud and Dr. Townsend?

My son's step mom had said one time when I texted her what was going on with me and my son and my DIL........she is friends with my DIL......they are the same age.......well my son's step mom is 2 years younger or one year younger than my son's step mom anyway.......I have always been nice to her and she has to me somewhat......except when I was having trouble with my son after her and his dad met and I would need his dad to come over my home and talk to our son son's step mom and him do not get along and SHE DOES NOT KNOW I HAVE THIS community and I know my son has forgot and my DIL does not even know about QVC she does not watch TV but cartoons.......anyway when I had contacted my former husbands wife about not knowing how long to stay in Houston that I was not hearing from my son she said she did not want to get involved so I apologized to her and said I would never contact her again......well she has been posting on facebook they can't wait to see them and my DIL wants them to move to Houston..........and then the step mom has texted me three times wanting to know why I came home early and was I ok and what happened? I DID NOT RESPOND TO HER.........I remember she told me she did not want to get involved but she must want to know my side of the I am not responding and I am not talking to them anymore either...I never run into them.........I am not even making any comments when I get a picture of my granddaughter from my son because he is just sending to everyone........I am standing my ground in that I have to take care of me and I can't be verbally abused any longer..........crazy when a stranger or a friends son will treat me better than my own son........anyway I see the therapist June 3 and I have many note book pages full. I am hurt and it is going to take a long time to get over this.

Today I went out side and planted some plants in another pot and I cooked dinner, had ice cream and on me and then watch some tv.......I just have to stay busy and my pain has been really bad this year but someone has something going on all the time. Minute by minute I am living.......that is all I can do. Thank you all. WISHING FOR EACH OF YOU A GREAT WEEK. Be safe in your travels.

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Re: Has anyone read the book Boundaries by Dr. Cloud and Dr. Townsend?

Hello, RRR.........Thanks for the carnation fragrance suggestions! I was searching for you, too. Let's hope for a nice week for you. Try to not get drawn into any drama. Better to keep doing little things for yourself. Planting flowers, herbs, etc. Maybe meeting your friends for coffee, form a 'clique' of your own. Wishing you a good week.

'More or less', 'Right or wrong', 'In general', and 'Just thinking out loud ' (as usual).
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Re: Has anyone read the book Boundaries by Dr. Cloud and Dr. Townsend?

I hope you get as much out of them as I did. They were a turning point for me with my councilor. I read those books twice. If you are feeling like you're walking around with a sign on your back reading ""Kick the dog she doesn't bite"" these are just what you need. I have used the techniques in these books to either recognize what people are trying to do to control you or how to choose to make it stop. One person in particular who was making quite a few of us upset by their behavior has been neutralized once we chose to take their power away as a group.

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Registered: ‎03-14-2010

Re: Has anyone read the book Boundaries by Dr. Cloud and Dr. Townsend?

On 5/18/2014 RibbonsRosesRainbows said:

Thank you ladies.....I will check out these books..........when I got on that plane last sunday I knew that I would have to start a new son has his family and life and at this time I am not included but that is day he will miss me......probably when he needs me but that is ok too.......I have not called them and they have not called me and I am not making any moves until I talk to my therapist........but I feel like I need to leave them alone and take care of me and if he wants to talk he can get in touch with me.

RRR, you know, I advised you not to go on such an extended trip to your son's- But if you have gotten this kind of insight into the situation as a result of what I know was very painful experience, than I think maybe it WAS worth it in the long run..

Sometimes, knowing our boundaries, and respecting those of others, is all we can do, even for those we love the most-

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Re: Has anyone read the book Boundaries by Dr. Cloud and Dr. Townsend?

Your Library will have the books you want or they will get them for you.

Super Contributor
Posts: 1,375
Registered: ‎05-12-2014

Re: Has anyone read the book Boundaries by Dr. Cloud and Dr. Townsend?

I will enjoy the books and thank you. Sill......I booked for three weeks since I would not be seeing my son for another year or two.........that is not long to stay especially when her mother is staying 6-9 months with them........but she rarely talks English so she won't be saying much to my son..........anyway........I am moving forward......the good thing about a head injury is at times I forget things.........until I saw my granddaughters picture last night on Facebook I did not think about them at all........but I don't think about things all the time.......funny or crazy how the brain works........after an really has been a saving grace in many situations for me........I seem not to hurt as bad.........

Valued Contributor
Posts: 706
Registered: ‎03-12-2010

Re: Has anyone read the book Boundaries by Dr. Cloud and Dr. Townsend?

R and R, it sounds like you're dealing with all of this very well. Not that you aren't hurting. Your decision to not take the bait and tell your exe's wife about it is really a smart move. This is a matter between your son and dil, nobody else. As tales get told back and forth, it's like that old game of telephone, with someone giving a different version of "what they heard". You just don't need any more grief. It seems your son and dil have "issues" that you cannot fix, no matter what you do or don't do.