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Re: Has anyone noticed the new phone scam trick?

Today I got a call that said NJ Turnpike on the caller ID.  That's a new one lol.  

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Re: Has anyone noticed the knew phone scam trick?

Unfortunately, the "grandson" scam got a friend of mine.  She's older and took the call when her husband wasn't home.  The caller said her grandson was either sick or injured on a Carribean island and needed $3,000 for medical care.  They instructed her on what to do and she did it, sent $3,000.00!  When her husband came home she told him; he got on the phone with their son, the father of the young man in trouble.  He asked how "Johnny" was and his son said, "fine, he's right here would you like to talk to him"?  So, $3,000.09 gone and no way to get it back.  


These creeps are targetting older people who they think might fall for their story.  

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Re: Has anyone noticed the knew phone scam trick?

@ID2 wrote:

I really don't know why anyone has a landline phone anymore? Why complain about unwanted calls when its a simple task to block/remove any scam calls with a cell phone. 


I have a landline, and I always will.  Once you've lived through disasters (hurricanes, blackouts, 9/11) when landlines were the only phones that worked, you learn just how important they can be.


I've written about this before, but I know a couple who were trapped in their vacation home during Hurricane Sandy when a tree fell on it.  No one knew they were there, cell phones were not working, but fortunately they had a landline.


I don't complain about unwanted calls because I have Nomorobo.  It's free and works really well.  I actually have more issues with unwanted calls on my cell phone.  I'll never be without a landline, and I'm sure other people have good reasons for keeping one too.

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Re: Has anyone noticed the knew phone scam trick?

@cherry wrote:

I think we are being scammed, by someone claiming to be phoning  to pick up donations ,from Purple Heart


I never called them. This woman always sounds drunk. We won't give her any information ,and she calls from different  of phone numbers. We bought a new phone and have blocked her. She called 3 times on Sunday and again on Monday..I don't know why they would phone on Sunday?


I think you call Purple Heart, they don't call you...I have no idea where she got our phone number from



purple heart DOES call us and we have donated to them before. they do hire people with disabilities to make their phone calls and i would not assume someone was drunk. if you dont have anything then just say you dont have a pickup at this time.

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Re: Has anyone noticed the knew phone scam trick?


@Georgiagrama wrote:

@ID2 wrote:

I really don't know why anyone has a landline phone anymore? Why complain about unwanted calls when its a simple task to block/remove any scam calls with a cell phone. 

@ID2   You can't block a number on a landline call unless you have the number.  If it is a private caller, you don't see the number.   We are not big cell phone users so we keep our landline.  We keep our landline because we like it and we aren't dependent on a battery to insure our calls, especially if we are without power.   

ITA.   I rarely use a cell.  Just for emergency.  At&t cut my landline in kitchen, but didn,t get one in garage.. I didn,t realize the young man did if.  He also cut   my AD T ALARM WIRES.  ADT caught it and the repair lady had me call AT&T while she waited for them to come and repair it.  Another kid that wasn,t trained properly.  She was a godsend and knew her stuff. 

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Re: Has anyone noticed the new phone scam trick?

When my phone rings if I have the TV on I receive a message as to who is calling plus it appears on my phone with caller ID.  Usually, I pick up the phone and immediately hang up.  This way the phone stops ringing.  I find some callers get tired of me hanging up on them.  What I hate is when callers try to take advantage of senior citizens.  Never ever give out any personal information - hang up.

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Re: Has anyone noticed the new phone scam trick?

@IG2 ... Why do people still have a landline phone?!

Answer: Why is it your business to know why?? You're not getting a reason from me!!
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Re: Has anyone noticed the new phone scam trick?

I have a landline and a cell phone, why? Because I choose to have both! I don't enjoy talking on my cell phone......I don't why people always have to generalize and say I don't know why YOU would have a landline anymore-Everyone is not the same......

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Re: Has anyone noticed the new phone scam trick?

[ Edited ]

I heard a blip on tv yesterday and this was all I could find at google, about a bill called TRACED finally being passed, just one more sig at the big desk before it can become law. I hope this post/link can stand as it is only for purposes of a heads up on what we can look forward to very soon. Article dated from yesterday 12/4.


hmm, link not working, maybe you can key it in yourself or google article. Sorry, not sure what up.



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Re: Has anyone noticed the new phone scam trick?

[ Edited ]

I refuse to tell  stranger that calls me anything..Least of all one who makes a continual nuisance of themselves ,wanting to know private information ,that is none of their business, and keeps calling after we hung up on them...and I don't believe  they would ring you back from a different number 3 times on Sunday ,and begin again the next day..If that is the way Purple heart operates I will never give them a donation, and I never have ,nor have I ever contacted them