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Re: Has a Celebrity's Revelation abt his/her Personal Life Impact You?

@PenneyT wrote:

I think that Betty Ford's revelations about her struggles with alcohol and her breast cancer fight were very helpful to a lot of people, it brought things into the open.





Yes!  Thank you Penney for reminding us what Betty Ford did to help so many people.


That example says it all about the good that can come from not hiding in shame, but seeking help.

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Re: Has a Celebrity's Revelation abt his/her Personal Life Impact You?

The reason someone may take years to reveal publicly what happened to him/her is because it can take years to come to terms with it.  Perhaps the celebrity believes that discussing it publicly will help someone else who is having the same struggle.  Sure, there might be someone who would do it for personal gains, but I would want to think the person is more genuine than that. 

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Re: Has a Celebrity's Revelation abt his/her Personal Life Impact You?

If by impact you mean does it make me listen and more aware.  Absolutely.  It makes me want to learn more and perhaps expand my knowledge.  I may not necessarily be of the same opinion or take the same stand as the celebrity, but I do see it as important to learn about the issue or topic.  I have to say I took the time to read this week about minorities and awards and recognition.  It was an eye opener.  If those actors feel they need to give a voice to the issue and that is by boycotting the awards show, so be it.  They live in the USA where they have the right to do it that way. 


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Re: Has a Celebrity's Revelation abt his/her Personal Life Impact You?

@Jaspersmom wrote:

The reason someone may take years to reveal publicly what happened to him/her is because it can take years to come to terms with it.  Perhaps the celebrity believes that discussing it publicly will help someone else who is having the same struggle.  Sure, there might be someone who would do it for personal gains, but I would want to think the person is more genuine than that. 



It might also be that something that happened was more subtle than what everyone thinks of as "the" typical worst case se*ual abuse for example, and it takes a while for someone to think back and realize they were indeed abused, and it did indeed affect them, even if it took a while to understand that.

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Re: Has a Celebrity's Revelation abt his/her Personal Life Impact You?

[ Edited ]

I don't know about impacting me, but Michael J Fox's revelation about his Parkinson's diagnosis and the subsequent interviews and progress really have me an education about a disease I knew very little about. Since then, my friend's husband died of Parkinson's Lewy Bodies variety. And then Robin Williams was diagnosed as well as Kasey Kasum.  First I heard very little about the disease, and now more and more people have come to the forefront of the battle with it.

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Re: Has a Celebrity's Revelation abt his/her Personal Life Impact You?

Liz Taylor and Lana Turner each had seven husbands!!  Each had to install a traffic light in her bedroom hall!!

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Re: Has a Celebrity's Revelation abt his/her Personal Life Impact You?

Like I used to say when I was young and like my young son also says, is unless it affects or is it effects me, I don't care. I cannot relate to a movie star or someone who is in high public office or is very wealthy, so I don't care what they have gone through. To me they are not real people, like my neighbor or a relative or even the sick kids they show on tv when they want money from you. People who are well off don't play by the same rules or have the same issues even they have the same problems. So NO!

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Re: Has a Celebrity's Revelation abt his/her Personal Life Impact You?

[ Edited ]

I've been helped.


I barely knew what lupus was when I was diagnosed, for sure I never knew anyone who had it.  All I knew was that it was said most people died within five years of diagnosis.


Because people like Toni Braxton, Nick Cannon, an opera singer named Molly, and Selena Gomez came out publicly about their diagnosis and struggle, I don't feel like I'm the only one, and I see that they are also fighting it and doing the best they can to move on with their lives.

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Re: Has a Celebrity's Revelation abt his/her Personal Life Impact You?

Am I the only one who thinks it's stupid the way we (I've done it too) sit and watch these pompass (spelling) full of themselves people give each other awards.  They are so full of themselves.


I watch some of the jokes and that's it.  This country is so screwed up on their idols it's crazy!


There was a time when people wanted to be like their parents, their church leaders, etc.  Now they worship celebrities.


Like some of you have said, there are far more important things in this world than giving each other awards.  


They (unfortunately) have the ability to get attention drawn to the problems people are having with water (as someone said), the homeless, drugs and drug wars, and on and on.


I'm not saying they aren't right (like of diversity), I'm saying their time and efforts could be better spent.


If you look at what many of the previous award winners have had happen, it's not like it makes a lot of difference.


The public is going to go see a movie if it is a good movie, period.  

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Re: Has a Celebrity's Revelation abt his/her Personal Life Impact You?

@PenneyT wrote:

I think that Betty Ford's revelations about her struggles with alcohol and her breast cancer fight were very helpful to a lot of people, it brought things into the open.



Betty Ford most probably saved my mom's life. Because of her Mom had a mammogram and cancer was found. I was born a few years afterward so I guess we both sort of owe our lives to her going public.


I think I've been inspired by several writers and activists who've made me think and act on what matters to me.