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Re: Halloween candy. Did you purchase too much too little or just right

There were 29 Reese's Peanut Butter cups in the two bags I bought and we had 18 trick or treaters.

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Re: Halloween candy. Did you purchase too much too little or just right

l have a full bag of 150 little bars left . No big deal , my husband drives school bus and he will hand them out at christmas to the kids ! 

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Re: Halloween candy. Did you purchase too much too little or just right

Over time our neighborhood has aged.  Once there were mobs of kids coming to the door.  And then no one.  New neighbors so there were 10 kids this time.  Hard to gauge it so I bought just enough and now for my pleasure is a bag of M&M's just for me.  As if I needed it.  

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Re: Halloween candy. Did you purchase too much too little or just right

Haven't had trick or treaters since 2011.  At that time I bought a giant sized bag of candy and no one came!  I figured it was due to houses being 5 acres apart and to go to 10 or 15 houses would require a Quad or car (and parents driving) for smaller ones.  Since we moved into town, we just decided to turn off the lights and see what happened.... again, no kids and no candy purchased!  That's ok.  I've always thought Halloween Fairs and Trunk and Treats were a far better idea, especially now with Fentanyl looking just like Skittles.... most dangerous stuff I've ever heard about!



*~"Never eat more than you can lift......" Miss Piggy~*
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Re: Halloween candy. Did you purchase too much too little or just right

A local dentist collects extra candy and sends it to the USA troops! He then gives out movie passes, gift cards for local restaurants, etc. Super nice guy & most people are happy it goes for a good cause!
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Re: Halloween candy. Did you purchase too much too little or just right

I always buy too much. Our house is on top of a hill and no one (including the mailman) wants to make the effort. I love seeing the littles. My DH takes left overs to work.


Lots of scrooges on Halloween I see

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Re: Halloween candy. Did you purchase too much too little or just right

I bought about six bags from Walgreens to donate to a church party for the kids. We don’t allow trick or treat at our apt complex.
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Re: Halloween candy. Did you purchase too much too little or just right

You can melt it in a double boiler (or whatever it's called), and drizzle it over popped popcorn.


Also, the chocolate pieces can be melted for a few minutes in a hot cup of coffee.  Remove the solid unmelted piece before drinking.

'More or less', 'Right or wrong', 'In general', and 'Just thinking out loud ' (as usual).
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Re: Halloween candy. Did you purchase too much too little or just right

Too much.  I was outside with my neighbors and I gave away two full bags of candy.  I would never get around to returning them since I'm weak and would end up eating it....or I would just throw it in the trash to keep me from eating it so I gave it away.

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Posts: 18,653
Registered: ‎04-28-2010

Re: Halloween candy. Did you purchase too much too little or just right

Oh, wait !!   Melt certain pieces and drizzle over ice cream.


Also, In a blender, add to a vanilla smoothie or milk shake.

'More or less', 'Right or wrong', 'In general', and 'Just thinking out loud ' (as usual).