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Re: Guess what we all must have made the bad manners list

I am left handed and have to cut with my left hand so I can do the continental thing in reverse, fork in right hand.  

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Re: Guess what we all must have made the bad manners list

Hi @PinkyPetunia Interesting! I’ll have to ask my sister who is a leftie if she does that too.

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Re: Guess what we all must have made the bad manners list

@CelticCrafter wrote:

I eat the Continental way, not because that's the way I was taught but because I'm left handed.


For some reason, it was easier for me to learn to use the dinner knife with my right hand.


The only other things I use my right hand for are scissors and a crank can opener.


I am left handed too and have always kept my fork in my left hand and the knife in my right. I don't switch.

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Re: Guess what we all must have made the bad manners list

So how do you eat "the Continental way" if you don't need to use knife for anything on your plate?



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Re: Guess what we all must have made the bad manners list

I'm another lefty, and it turns out I've been eating Continentally all my life!  Most lefties are one degree or another ambidextrous, that's why so many of us can cut meat with our right hands.  I also drink with my right hand, and use scissors, tho when I'm trimming my Pom, I use whichever hand works best.



My ex is totally right-handed, except he deals cards left-handed. 

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Re: Guess what we all must have made the bad manners list

For some unknown reason since I was old enough to use a knife and fork I've eaten continental style.  Family mystery since no one else in the family eats that way.

The eyes through which you see others may be the same as how they see you.
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Re: Guess what we all must have made the bad manners list

@cherry wrote:

Eat what ever way makes you comfortable, but for heavens sake don't smack!~   Woman Very Happy



Or chew with your mouth open!

A kind gesture can reach a wound that only compassion can heal. ~~ Steve Maraboli
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Re: Guess what we all must have made the bad manners list

@cherry wrote:

It seems we commit  a huge social gaffe ,all the  time. We eat like Americans  Woman Frustrated  Woman Wink


It seems even our Meghan got a slap on the wrist, by this gentleman.


So what is wrong with doing things the way that is accepted in your culture? The Chinese eat like Chinese. The cave men ate with their hands. We eat like Americans. In Great Britain, they eat the British way. I was taught that it was poor manners not to transfer the fork to the right hand...causing you to race to "fork in" the food and eat too quickly.  

A kind gesture can reach a wound that only compassion can heal. ~~ Steve Maraboli
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Re: Guess what we all must have made the bad manners list

@cherry  I read your link and it said that MM received a gong by an etiquette expert for striding ahead of Harry and going bare legged during the engagement announcement. This is the sort of thing I think she will tire of if she really has to adhere to those rules.  

I'm fordtruck and changed my name to onionsoup in case you're wondering. 

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Re: Guess what we all must have made the bad manners list

I doubt she is going to worry about what  the daily mail thinks. I'm sure she is going to do just fine.


She is young, happy ,and in love. She has a back ground  of doing good works, so she is going to fit right in with doing her bit ,to  make  the Crown and kingdom proud of her


I already am. Best of luck Meghan