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Re: Guess what we all must have made the bad manners list

[ Edited ]

husband is a righty and eats continental style.  I'm a lefty....continental.  When I was a wee one I used to knife with the left hand too....very awkward....taught myself outta that.  Son does knife in left and fork in the right hand...he couldn't get the hang otherwise.  


husband and I eat pizza with a fork and knife......

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Re: Guess what we all must have made the bad manners list

@muttmom wrote:

I'm American and eat American Style regardless of where I am.


I've seen many people use the Continental Style and I think it looks like you are attacking your food then shoveling it in.



I am an American and I eat continental style like a lot of other Americans on this thread. I am a lefty, so it's more comfortable for me..


Do we all need to rescind out citizenship?  Woman LOL

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Re: Guess what we all must have made the bad manners list

@SANNA wrote:

@Noel7 wrote:

In a pub in Stratford on Avon, I ordered a Martini and got a glass full of straight vermouth.  Martini was the brand name of the vermouth. 

Who said the Britts are all that polished and knowledgeable? There are plenty of provincial,simple people there. And hey, they drink their beer warm and flat! It tells you everything...



As a British friend told me years ago, when I asked her about the room temp beer/ale/stout - Britain is a pretty cold country. They don’t need (or want) to be drinking anything cold to make them colder. It made sense to me.

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Re: Guess what we all must have made the bad manners list

I'm left handed.  I only eat with that hand.  When I'm a guest at dinner here, I'm usually seated at the corner with no one next to my eating hand.  the rest of the table always seems to eat right handed.

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Re: Guess what we all must have made the bad manners list

@nun ya wrote:

I just drank soup from my bowl as I was reading this. LOL




Where does licking one's plate clean fall?

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Re: Guess what we all must have made the bad manners list

@AuntG wrote:

@nun ya wrote:

I just drank soup from my bowl as I was reading this. LOL




Where does licking one's plate clean fall?

My reply depends on whether you replace the plate in the cupboard, or put it in the dishwasher after you've licked it clean.


Woman LOL

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Re: Guess what we all must have made the bad manners list

@SharkE wrote:

They're not much on ice over there. Me and hubbo had to beg for ice in anything guess it's an American thing.

I am not big on ice either. Especially if you drink iced water with your food, you block the digestion enzymes.

But certain things should be served certain way to enhance their taste and purpose.


French knows best how and what and when and why. I always learn over there.

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Re: Guess what we all must have made the bad manners list

@songbird I'm a lefty too. It's no fun bumping elbows with people during a sit down dinner is it?  

Also, I've never noticed who is cutting with what hand or what fork or that stuff. I guess I'm just a happy peasant. 😉

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Re: Guess what we all must have made the bad manners list

YorkieonmyPillow wrote:

Auntg wrote:

nun ya wrote:

I just drank soup from my bowl as I was reading this. LOL




Where does licking one's plate clean fall?

My reply depends on whether you replace the plate in the cupboard, or put it in the dishwasher after you've licked it clean.


Woman LOL


Ha!  Or letting the dog/cat lick the plates clean for you.  Smiley Very Happy

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Re: Guess what we all must have made the bad manners list

No matter where you go there will always be some cranky, critical folks and some who are nice. (Shrug)


When we went to Italy a few months ago, most local folks were very nice to us.  But one couple in our tour group got criticized by a local person who grew frustrated by the couple’s lack of ability to communicate in Italian.   The Italian woman told the couple, “If you visitors would take the time to actually learn the language before you came here, it would be easier to understand what you’re saying!”   I quoted it as best as I can remember, but you get the message. ‘Course, turns out that the Italian woman’s English wasn’t quite as good as she thought because the American couple didn’t really understand what she was saying at first and finally pieced it together as they were walking away, aided in their interpretation by her angry tone and frustrated expression!