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Was watching the women's high dive today - makes me soooo nervous when they bounce on the board right before they dive - eeks!  I was on the edge of my seat watching them -

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Re: Green Pool!!

[ Edited ]

It's the putrid water in the bay where the boating and some swimming events are being held that grosses me out.  They discharge sewage and medical waste right into the water.  Last week I heard ingesting as little as 3 teaspoons could result in serious disease or infection.  Rio was supposed to have built 8 treatment plants to process this nasty water.  Instead they built one.  


They  should never have held this event in such a filthy place.  The athletes should have boycotted some of the events.

New Mexico☀️Land Of Enchantment
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We had a guy living next door to us who owned his own pool cleaning company.  He'd always say, "Don't get a pool, they're a lot of work and expensive".  I never cared about one because we traveled to Europe and the beach every summer.  


I guess maybe he was right.  Thinking back I guess no one would be around to use it anyway, so maybe it was a good idea not to get one.


I've heard unless you live like in Florida they can be considered a hazard and some people won't buy a house with a pool.


I do know when we all visit my daughter who has an amazing pool in Florida.  Her children are in it every day.  When we go down in the Fall and early Spring (it's heated) my grandchildren visiting ask my daughter to please have the pool heated and ready and they get in the thing.  Of course when they get out their lips are blue.  Ha!

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Rio has so many issues at these Olympics. It's unreal. I would never go in their water like rowers etc. it's like rowing thru sewage and a teaspoon ingested can cause illness. Even the real sand in beach volleyball is gross. Sand is effected by tidal waters. The air quality there is dangerous too. But the green pools that they can't master is strange. Pools get algae. Yes. But not well taken care of ones and not when it's not extremely hot. Don't forget it's "winter" there so it's not 90. It's 60! Algae thrives when it's sweltering! Plus they can be cleared quickly with shock so this is especially gross. I don't know how diving is even fair since part of the dive is in the water.
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There is no excuse for those pools to have that much algae.  Disgusting.

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There was no excuse for the condition of that water --- none.  This is a huge event. They have had tons of time to prepare for it.  Total incompetence.  No way would I put even one toe in that water.  And I agree totally with all of everone's comments here concerning the horrible conditions at Rio.  They should never have had the Olympics there.  The health risks --- just terrible.  

"A day without sunshine is like, you know, night." - Steve Martin
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@Kachina624 wrote:

It's the putrid water in the bay where the boating and some swimming events are being held that grosses me out.  They discharge sewage and medical waste right into the water.  Last week I heard ingesting as little as 3 teaspoons could result in serious disease or infection.  Rio was supposed to have built 8 treatment plants to process this nasty water.  Instead they built one.  


They  should never have held this event in such a filthy place.  The athletes should have boycotted some of the events.


Some athletes in various countries elected not to go. I wonder if in the future they'll regret it. A couple of men (one a golfer?) didn't go because of Zika. Clearly there was something they did not want to abstain from for a long period of time 😜

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Anyone who has a pool knows you can get green water in a day..........generally it happens when your chlorine levels get too low, it's been a hot sunny day and the water has been still...........that's all algae needs to bloom.............the one thing people who own pools do is keep chlorine tablets in floaters in the pool to keep the chlorine level up, but I imagine with events going it's real hard to have floaters in the pools............but by shocking the pool at night and running the filter all night, they could have avoided the algae bloom...............................raven

We're not in Kansas anymore ToTo
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Surprised that everyone is acting surprised about this. Some Pre-Olympic videos showed all the gross carp in the rivers, even a mattress floated by! The sailors are wearing masks and the Tri-athletes are reportedly having eye and/or skin issues.


I guess that's what happens when you award the Olympic contract to a country in such disarray!

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So, all this hand wringing and finger pointing and it turns out that someone put peroxide in the pool by mistake, which neutralized the chlorine.


Honestly i didn't think the pool looked that bad, but I've swam in pools with algae before and it's never been an issue. A pool can go from clear to green in a matter of hours. And as far as shocking, considering the back to back events and the practice time plus the time required for people to stay out of the water after using shock I'm not surprised they didn't just shock it.

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