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I heard on the tv this morning that Aretha had no will.  The woman was with tens of millions of dollars and had a terminal illness.  It boggles the mind that she did not have a will.  She had sons who will now have to go through the courts to work it out and with her wealth and royalties from her music and contracts, it will be complicated and take a long time.  The lawyers will make a bundle off it.  And that's if everything goes smoothly.


But the thing that really bothered me is that a woman of such wealth didn't feel the need to leave any money to charities or special people in her life.  Perhaps other relatives or friends that she was close to.   Not just money.  Jewelry, art work.  My bff and I have been friends for 37 years, before I was even married.   She held high level corporate jobs,   and has more money and resources than anyone I know or will know.   She wants for nothing.  Still.  She's in my will, I want her to have the pearls that I inherited from my mother and a diamond and sapphire pin that was passed down from my grandmother.  She collects antique jewelry and would appreciate them in a way that my daughters would not. That's what popped into my head when I heard "no will".   Inheritance laws protect her sons but what about other people she cared for who cared for her?  

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Re: Good grief, no will

[ Edited ]

If you asked me, her story kind of says something about her family and it should have been brought up by someone in it. If I was one of her sons then I would have brought  it to the attention of her financial manager(s) before her death.

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The only people who will benefit from her death will be the lawyers.



The one lawyer was quoted that he tried, well, he didn't try hard enough nor do I believe he wanted to.   If everything was done ahead of time, his share would be greatly reduced as to how much he will be charging now.



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Well, legally it should be divided equally among her sons. Hopefully, others don't come out of the woodwork making claims, and more importantly, hopefully the brothers will treat each other with fairness and love. 

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@chrystaltree wrote:

I heard on the tv this morning that Aretha had no will.  The woman was with tens of millions of dollars and had a terminal illness.  It boggles the mind that she did not have a will.  She had sons who will now have to go through the courts to work it out and with her wealth and royalties from her music and contracts, it will be complicated and take a long time.  The lawyers will make a bundle off it.  And that's if everything goes smoothly.


But the thing that really bothered me is that a woman of such wealth didn't feel the need to leave any money to charities or special people in her life.  Perhaps other relatives or friends that she was close to.   Not just money.  Jewelry, art work.  My bff and I have been friends for 37 years, before I was even married.   She held high level corporate jobs,   and has more money and resources than anyone I know or will know.   She wants for nothing.  Still.  She's in my will, I want her to have the pearls that I inherited from my mother and a diamond and sapphire pin that was passed down from my grandmother.  She collects antique jewelry and would appreciate them in a way that my daughters would not. That's what popped into my head when I heard "no will".   Inheritance laws protect her sons but what about other people she cared for who cared for her?  


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If she died Intestate then the laws/statutes of her state must be followed for distribution of her Estate.  Still the attorney retained will make more for filing a Dependent Administration Probate as opposed to an Independent Administration.  If they even choose to probate her Estate.  Her children (if no spouse) may decide just to follow the law of her State.

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@chrystaltree  How do you know she didn't leave special things to her friends or charities? She may have distributed all that before she passed.

She was worth 80 million, is what I heard.

I don't know why she wouldn't do a will - maybe she was afraid if she made a will, someone would bump her off.

Some people have odd beliefs (if it IS odd).

She had her purse with her within sight when she performed, else she wouldn't go onstage.

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Aretha was paid in cash because in earlier times African-American performers were often not paid what they were promised-or not paid at all.


Aretha was paid upfront or didn't sing.  We have to remember the time period she came from when she started out.  She also paid all her staff cash from that, too.


However, because of no taxes taken out for her or those in her employ, she faced quite a bit of trouble with the IRS.


Her will (or lack of ) is her business.   I don't know why people are bothered that she didn't leave $$ or other material things to those less fortunate-her estate, her decision.


Besides, we don't know if she has anything set up in trust for any charities or for other people.  She could very well have taken care of more than we know.


RIP, Queen of Soul.

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She must have had her reasons.


My husband's cousin - very wealthy - died intestate and he was an attorney.

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@Cakers3  I know what her rationale was for the cash payments - I'm just making the point that some people have odd ways when it comes to their money and what happens to it/where it goes, etc.


I did read one of her sons was special-needs and required care, I believe. But her jewelry (if she had any), and other items, she may have distributed; we don't know....