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Re: Golden State Killer arrested

I just recently watched a show about this killer... it really creeped me out to know he had never been caught.  I figured perhaps he had died( hoped anyway) and why he stopped the killing.  But to catch him now.... may be a blessing....


or not.... years and years of tax payers money to  take him to trial him..... he will most likely keep it going in the courts for a long time EVEN IF CONVICTED...... so maybe 20 years of going round and round and round... and then  he will die probably being so old by then.... just continuing to use the system and take advantage of everyone.


 Hopefully he does die a painful  death...

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Re: Golden State Killer arrested

@SeaMaiden, no way, they have mountains of evidence and buckets of his body fluids.  This is an open and shut case, they arrested him on two but there are many more, we'll find out why those two later, maybe jurisdiction? but this is not an ambiguous case.

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Re: Golden State Killer arrested

For those who live or have lived in the area -- 


-- he lived in Citrus Heights for at least twenty years.  That is where they picked him up.




FBI and other law-enforcement agents gather in Citrus Heights.
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Re: Golden State Killer arrested

It makes total sense he was a cop. Some of the detectives who worked the case felt he may have been in law enforcement. 


I wonder if we'll ever get a motive for these horrible crimes. I'm sure the first question on eveyone's lips will be why. 

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Re: Golden State Killer arrested

HLN has a clock up on the screen under "Golden State Killer Case Update" ---

-- (which right now reads 2 hours 38 minutes 33 seconds).  So assume they're covering the press conference.

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Re: Golden State Killer arrested

@LoriLori wrote:

For those who live or have lived in the area -- 


-- he lived in Citrus Heights for at least twenty years.  That is where they picked him up.




FBI and other law-enforcement agents gather in Citrus Heights.

It's a huge relief, I think I must be within a few miles from him, but have assumed he was dead or in jail.  I'll be watching the press conference at 12 for sure.


I can't imagine what it was like for the neighbors to realize he was living next door.

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Re: Golden State Killer arrested

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Re: Golden State Killer arrested

@SilleeMee wrote:

Joseph James DeAngelo Jr. , 72, suspected person.



@SilleeMee, from the time I read it -- it had only been up on the Daily Beast, which broke the story, for three minutes!!! -- I've always read it's him. 


Not a suspect.  The guy.  Unambiguous.  And minutes from now we'll know more. 


I'm near the end of the book and I'll finish it.  And I'm hoping the nightmares it's been giving me will stop, starting tonight.

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Re: Golden State Killer arrested

Stunned.  Married with adult children.  Police officer in two jurisdictions.


And all those politicians taking their victory lap gave zero credit to Michelle McNamara -- who tirelessly blogged, who figured out crimes in different jurisdictions were linked, and gave him his name, The Golden State Killer.  Saying her book didn't help.  No way it didn't.  Or the two documentaries inspired by her book. No chance.  Coincidence after all these years?  Uh-uh. 


OMG the wife.  Unless she's one sick chick who knew she is another victim.  And his kids.  I wonder if they're allowed to remain anonymous?

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Registered: ‎03-10-2010

Re: Golden State Killer arrested

[ Edited ]

There was another case years ago,  the killer was a family man,  he was finally caught after many years, i can see the man in my mind just can't remember  who he was.Had to look it up,Dennis rader,he was a cub scout leader ,and worked for the national forest.

When you lose some one you L~O~V~E, that Memory of them, becomes a TREASURE.