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Bought my MIL a food gift. Steaks, burgers, chicken, hot dogs, potatoes and a dessert. I have gotten this in the past from someone else, I liked it and appreciated it. Shortly after my MIL received it, my husband got a call from my BIL asking why he sent that. The following day, my MIL said she doesn't have enough room in freezxer and she will have to give some of it away. It's clear to me that she called my BIL and complained about it and doesn't like it. I thought it's a nice gift and would make it easier for her to plan meals and since she doesn't get around easily, one less trip to the grocery store. I don't know why this is bothering me so much. My husband doesn't some bothered.

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I am a vegan. i would not want a gift like this. In these timesi it is difficult to find the correct gift. I am sorry for your hurt and angry feelings.

Just because you liked it doesn't mean someone else would.

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Is she the type that complains?? My mother would complain about everything...even about things I thought she would love...even things she had mentioned she would like and forgot she had mentioned she would like and then didn't like. I just couldn't win.

My brother could do no wrong.

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Registered: ‎03-09-2010

Re: Gift Not Well Received

[ Edited ]

@ScrapHappyI'm sorry she didn't like her gift. I know from experience some gifts I've given over my life have been terrific, others I thought were terrific weren't met with huge enthusiasm and I've given some where I think back on it later and I'm like "what was I thinking"?

Here is my take on it, on any gift really. You give the gift with a joyful heart and good intentions and what happens after that is out of your control.

Why is it, when I have a 50/50 guess at something, I'm always 100% wrong?
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I was taught to know how to give and know how to receive. I was taught to be thankful that someone was thoughtful enough to think of me and not hurt the giver's feelings if I wasn't fond of the gift itself. I guess it was called being gracious.

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That's a very nice and thoughtful gift. I would love receiving something like that. I'm sure you know if your MIL is vegan and would not gift her that if she was.

Knowledge is knowing that a tomato is a fruit, but Wisdom is knowing not to put it in a fruit salad.
- Author Unknown
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Re: Gift Not Well Received

[ Edited ]

Oh dear!!Your gift is a very nice gift--have gotten that before and thoroughly enjoyed it. But now my circumstances have changed drastically and I no longer have a separate freezer or a even a good sized freezer in my refer so don't have much space to store all that meat. Last year I asked my siblings to please not send me the meat pak or the many paks of Wolfermans english muffins because I don't have the room to freeze them. So I can identify with your MIL---I think I might go get the meat from her and replace it with a gift card to her fave grocery store---would have been nice if she would have said something about this before tho---but don't be mad or hurt--now you know!!

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@ScrapHappy................IMO it was a nice and thoughful gift. I think it was very tacky and inconsiderate for your MIL to call her son and complain about it. If it were me that would be the last present she ever got from me and I definitely would confront her about it.

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First of all your bil should not have gotten involved. Next time get your mil a gift card and let her get her own gift. She does not sound like a person who appreciates thoughtful gifts. Some people complain about everything.

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Is she the type that complains?? My mother would complain about everything...even about things I thought she would love...even things she had mentioned she would like and forgot she had mentioned she would like and then didn't like. I just couldn't win.

My brother could do no wrong.

I was going to say the same thing and @ruthbe beat me to it. My MIL complains about everything. There's no making her happy. We've learned to just stop giving