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What's their excuse now? Water is warmer this season so they are expecting bad Hurricane's so it will go up again.

I'm glad we don't use much.

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It happens every year.  They plan it that way.

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Watch for the big oil companies posting their "record" profits for this quarter now. 

"To each their own, in all things".
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Too hot to go anywhere anyway.

New Mexico☀️Land Of Enchantment
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It is vacation time. Of course the CEO’s of the gas and fuel companies are going to raise prices. They do it because they can. Gotta get more profits going for their 3rd mansion.
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Just got gas today.  $3..57/gallon here in GA.  Jumped 20 cents in a week.

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Oil refinery equipment is all outdoors and it's vulnerable to the high temperatures we've been having. Refineries have been shutting down b/c of that. Price goes up at the pump as supplies go down.

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@Mint2 they make an excuse for every increase.
We're just being slammed for any reason they make up. It's the heat, it's the cold, it's covid, it's hurricane season on and on. Labor day is coming, it's still summer travel season. They bump it up for anything they want and we'll keep paying. Government gets richer and we get poorer.
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Try surviving in California.  

Never Forget the Native American Indian Holocaust
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Earlier in the year, OPEC members agreed to cut oil production through 2024. That accounts for some of the increase.