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Here we go again.


Every single person accused is guilty.


Every single person accused is innocent.


Neither of which is common sense or true. But the old “you’re either 1000% with me or you are the enemy, no thoughtful middle ground permitted in MY sandbox” rides again. Sheesh.

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I have never heard his name before this!



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@JJsMom wrote:

@Isobel Archer wrote:

@tansy wrote:

@Isobel Archer wrote:

Looks like there really was/is a war on women.  Interesting who some of the combatants are.


What’s interesting about who *some* of the combatants are?

Um maybe that they've been lecuturing all of us for years on "the war on women"   Who knew that -behind that  self-righteous facade, they were, in fact, attacking women themselves.  It's also fascinating to hear about the women - e.g., Cokie Roberts and company (who knew who to avoid in elevators) who enabled this behavior against more vulnerable women because they weren't personally being bothered - and apparently regarded it as collateral damage.

The War on Women is about legislation.


How do you feel about your main guy and all his accusers or the pedophile who's a heartbeat away from office? Do you have the same outrage?

Yes many are saying that as long as people support legislation anything else goes - leaving a woman to drown, rape, assault, trashing the victims, etc.  I guess in the great scheme of things, individual woman victims just need to "take it for the team."

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Re: Garrison Keillor Fired

[ Edited ]

@Plaid Pants2 wrote:

I agree with you @Tadaki and @Sooner.





This glee at every man who is accused is very disturbing.




There are some who are serial harassers, and do deserve to be removed.



But, to just accept every accusation as gospel is wrong.



You two ladies have said what I've been trying to say all day.



It's incredibly easy to throw accusations around, with little to no proof, and know that that is all it takes to ruin someone's life.



And yes, there are women who do that, because they know that the default is to believe the woman without question, and to fire the guy.




@Plaid Pants2  Way off track.  This thread is about a man who admitted to the accusation.  Same with the Matt thread.  Whether SOME women accuse falsely is a topic for another thread.


You are saying what "should" have ended the GK situation; that isn't your call.


And let's not get into "my opinion and the right to express it" sermon.


If a man  is denying, then we have a topic for a different field of opinions. 


But here we have no denial; therefore taking the topic off into the stratosphere is meaningless.


I also see no "glee" here; I seriously doubt that any poster is happy to see the fall of any person because it  also means that there is a victim.  Our concern is for the women who had to look at exposed genitalia, were given sex toys, were inappropriately touched-the list goes on.


In between all the angst over some man who might be falsely accused I am beginning to see some resentment toward any woman who has spoken up.


I find that more disturbing than anything else.





"" Compassion is a verb."-Thich Nhat Hanh
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I do see a difference if the man denies it - you know due process and all.


NOT saying denial is proof of anything, but then neither are allegations without substantiation.  However, having said that, lack of a witness is NO reason to trash the woman making the allegation - unless the "proof" she offers is disproved.


AND I have a real problem with people who lecture others who "suddenly realize" that their behavior of assault is "problematic."  And how "sorry" is someone who has been doing this for years - e.g., Lauer and others.

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Men have been getting away with sexual harassment (all forms of it) since the beginning of time. We have addressed racial, ethnic, gender, age, religious, disability, equal pay, and other kinds of discrimination, but we have been negligent about sexual harassment. Sure, it is discussed in the work place (a little), but men are still thought of in our society to be dominant person when it comes to a male/female relationship. Our cultural mores tell us that men should ask women out, men should be the one to propose marriage, and men are often thought of as the head of the household, etc.


I wonder just how many women can say they have never been sexually harassed (taking into consideration all kinds of harassment from catcalling to rape). Not many, I'm sure.


We need to beginning addressing this at home with young children of all genders and instill different values in them. We need to report the most benign type of sexual harassment...and there should be consequences. When the children are young, the parents should be held accountable and the child could be suspended from school. 


I guess this is the time when we will finally begin to address this issue, but I think it will have about as much success as racial, ethnic, gender, equal pay, and age discrimination. It is going to take many generations to wipe out discrimination of all kinds. Even many generations from now, it will still pop up.

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@Noel7 wrote:

It's odd when a woman defends a man for doing something wrong that he actually admitted doing.

Is there someone in the news who has done this?

I don’t understand your post. 

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@sidsmom wrote:

@Noel7 wrote:

It's odd when a woman defends a man for doing something wrong that he actually admitted doing.

Is there someone in the news who has done this?

I don’t understand your post. 













She's talking about me.




She thinks that I am defending him.




He admitted that he ment to pat her on the back after she told him that she was upset about something.



When she recoiled, he immediatly apologised.



Isn't that what people are supposed to do?



You go to comfort someone who is distressed, and they rebuff that, so you apologise.



End of story.





Now, years later, she is claiming that he "sexually assaulted" her.



What does she have to gain by making these charges?



It has also been my point that we are in an atmosphere of where make accusation = fired person, no questions aked.



Whether people want to admit it or not, women can get revenge on a man that they don't like, just by crying "sexual assault", because they know that the guy will be instantly fired.



If that is "defending" him, then so be it.



I really don't care.

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@Plaid Pants2

OK...I read through the thread & totally didn’t pick up on the ’defending’ acquisition. Just bringing up a diffferent angle doesn’t equate ‘defending’. I’m pretty much open to all ideas, so...maybe that’s why it flew over my head. 

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@sidsmom wrote:

@Plaid Pants2

OK...I read through the thread & totally didn’t pick up on the ’defending’ acquisition. Just bringing up a diffferent angle doesn’t equate ‘defending’. I’m pretty much open to all ideas, so...maybe that’s why it flew over my head. 










I'm with you on this.




It seems that if you don't fall in lock step with a certain way of thinking, or try and see things from different angles, you're the "bad guy".



Whatever.Woman Tongue