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Watched the first episode (or I guess it was 2 half hour episodes??) last night.

Wasn't sure what to expect. I have mixed feelings. Love the costumes and scenery. Love Timothy Omundson's King Richard!! I don't know Vinnie Jones, but love his character of Gareth. The rest of the cast is interesting, too.

I didn't realize there would be singing, but it's kind of cute. I noticed most the ABC ads for upcoming shows were also being sung...kind of quirky but fun.

Anyone else catch it?

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I missed it. Only caught the last 4 or 5 minutes.

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I knew it would be a musical, hopefully on the same lines as Spamalot. I found it amusing and am waiting for next show. Only 4 weeks?

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I thought it was awful. Watched about 45 minutes of it, then had to turn it off. Knew it was going to be a musical, but didn't find it at all funny.

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Parts of it were funny. Not sure if I will watch all the episodes.
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I tried to like it, but just didn't tickle my funny bone.

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Cute, colorful, nice cast. It's OK.

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Oh, I didn't realize it began last night. I've been watching the trailers. Guess I'll have to see it On Demand to catch up.

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I didn't realize it was a musical but I normally like musicals so that wasn't an issue. I watched about 10 - 15 minutes and changed the channel. Just didn't think it was that funny.

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Registered: ‎05-23-2010

I too have mixed feelings. I enjoyed it, but wonder if I'll get bored after a couple more eps. Very Python and Spamalot-esque, so people who don't like either probably wouldn't like this. Loved Richard. Love Sid. Gal has an incredibly gorgeous body. Whew! (Fans self) some very funny bits, some not so funny. Some great lyrics (loved the Not the Worst song), some meh. I'll watch next week.

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