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Registered: ‎03-12-2010

Re: GAMERS you have a new home!

I must be missing something. If the Gamers have a new home then why is the first page of this forum cluttered with mostly Gamers Threads??????

Honored Contributor
Posts: 26,549
Registered: ‎12-17-2012

Re: GAMERS you have a new home!

The Gamers appear to be moving them up for the mods to find and move.  This will probably take a long time since there were so many games and they are large.

Fate whispers to her, "You cannot withstand the storm." She whispers back, "I am the storm."

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Posts: 2,614
Registered: ‎03-12-2010

Re: GAMERS you have a new home!

@Preds wrote:

The Gamers appear to be moving them up for the mods to find and move.  This will probably take a long time since there were so many games and they are large.

Thanks Preds. Beside the pages loading extremely slow and the fact that I no longer seem to be able to open any threads on my IPAD, this is going to be a bit difficult for me to navigate.


Hope you are doing well! I need to take a vacation from here for awhile until they fix things. I don't want to be constantly complaining.....

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Registered: ‎04-14-2015

Re: GAMERS you have a new home!

I just saw some people asking if there was a Gamers forum so thought I'd bump this up.

(formerly NickNack)
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Re: GAMERS you have a new home!

[ Edited ]

Please add me too. I looked away for one moment, and wham! Thar she be!!! Thanks to the PTB. That was wonderful!

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Registered: ‎07-03-2013

Re: GAMERS you have a new home!

Add me please

Esteemed Contributor
Posts: 6,454
Registered: ‎01-13-2013

Re: GAMERS you have a new home!

I'd like to be added.....thanks.

Super Contributor
Posts: 438
Registered: ‎03-05-2011

Re: GAMERS you have a new home!

Add me, too, thanks.

Super Contributor
Posts: 569
Registered: ‎01-13-2014

Re: GAMERS you have a new home!

Please add me to the list of gamers...!


Posts: 44
Registered: ‎04-28-2012

Re: GAMERS you have a new home!

Why doesn't the Gamers Forum appear all the time under the Forums list?   Why do I have to sign in before it appears?????  I'm requesting it be listed and shown 24/7.  Thanks.