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Re: Friendship over because hurricane Harvey

This response it kind of a lessons learned comment.   I live in Corpus Christi.  My phone was ringing like crazy from concerned family and friends.   You are right, when you are prepping, you are prepping and you need every minute to do it.   What we ultimately did was designate one family member to email or text "updates"...beyond that, I did not answer the phone once.   We just did not have time to do what we needed to do AND deal with anything else, even a phone call.  I would recommend this for the next time because at some point there will be a next time.

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Re: Friendship over because hurricane Harvey

  OP, I don't think you lost a friend, I think you lost something akin to a parasite.

  I doubt their dog is even dead - it's probably in one of their laps right now.


  Anyone that would call you and tell you their dog died in this context is sick in the head. Consider yourself well-rid of these weirdos.

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Re: Friendship over because hurricane Harvey

@madie I read all of your post and the first page after.  Obviously, everyone on this page (like myself) understand you did as much as you could.


Many of us here are in our 'senior' years.  We've been around for awhile.  I am speaking for myself now and I can tell you there are people in life I call "USERS".  They take full advantage of people like you (your thoughtfulness and kindness) and run with it.


Like someone else said, it sounds like a one-sided friendship anyway.  Please stop beating yourself up!  It was sad that the dog died.  However, at what point is the dog, the people and other animals your responsibility?


He's no dummy.  He didn't want to drive in that water, he wanted you to risk your life!  It's all so obvious.


Throughout life, we've all come upon people like these.  I guess I sound hard-hearted but my opinion is that you might be better off with this friendship ending (or at least taking a break) That's up to you.


You take care and know that all of us all over the country are thinking of you guys and praying that GOD will look over all of you, your families and furbabies.


We all know at any time some castrophe could happen to us or our part of the country (I live in Northern Va) and we all know if (GOD forbid) that ever happens, all of you in Texas would be there for us.


Please know that all of us who can are donating to help everyone and (like I said) asking GOD to take care of you guys.


Please keep in touch as much as you can and let us know how you are doing.  I see you haven't posted much.


 Please don't forget about us here; as we value someone like you (as such a compassionate poster) and know that we will enjoy your posts from now on.  Annabelle.Heart

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Re: Friendship over because hurricane Harvey

There might be hope for the friendship if that woman leaves her husband.  I'm under the impression that the two women were friends before the husband entered the situation...maybe not.



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Re: Friendship over because hurricane Harvey



I am very sad to hear about the dog and potentially their other animals.  As for the people Meh.


They seem to find it much more comfortable to blame you than to grasp their responsibility to drive home and pick up their dogs and take them to your home themselves.  


I would personally not want them in my life.

"Animals are not my whole world, but they have made my world whole" ~ Roger Caras
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Re: Friendship over because hurricane Harvey

It's also possible that the guy is lying to you about the dog just to be a certain type of hole.
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Re: Friendship over because hurricane Harvey

So he had time to go to Taco Bell and Walmart but not time to take care of his own dog?? I think all you need to do is remember that to know you are not at fault. I left the house for the first time since the Wednesday before the hurricane today. I did that to stay out of other people's way, to stay safe and because running around looking at the floods is not helpful to anyone. I finally left today to go to the store. This jerk was running all around while he put it on you to go out of your way to care for his dog. Yeh I'd say you're good and he's feeling guilty he did not do what he should. Don't beat yourself up for jerks. I'm sorry they lost their dog due to their own negligence but it is not your fault in any way. Hang in the Dear you're are a good person don't let someone else's guilt make you think otherwise. 

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Registered: ‎12-17-2012

Re: Friendship over because hurricane Harvey

@tansy wrote:

There might be hope for the friendship if that woman leaves her husband.  I'm under the impression that the two women were friends before the husband entered the situation...maybe not.



The woman was home for the week.  She could have made some type of prep ... even if she was not sure of what hubs would do.  They appear to be totally self centered to me, but that is based on the story told. Maybe it's just him, but that is no excuse either. 


I hope it ends well for both couples, but I feel it should end.  My heart breaks for the animals.  Oh, let me get some lunch and then I'll go do what I need to do to save MY dog.  Sorry, but that hits me sooooo wrong! 

Fate whispers to her, "You cannot withstand the storm." She whispers back, "I am the storm."

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Re: Friendship over because hurricane Harvey

@madie, you handled it better than I would have, I'd have lost my temper way before you did. In NO way was the dog drowning YOUR fault. These people sound irresponsible. I most certainly not apologize. They were trying to push you around, and you had your own home and animals to take care of as well.

PLEASE do not feel bad. You are not the one in the wrong.

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Registered: ‎03-10-2010

Re: Friendship over because hurricane Harvey

[ Edited ]

First you did NOTHING WRONG! Second these "friends" are irresponsible home owners and animal parents. I feel just terrible for the dog...but none of this was YOUR fault. If you're like me...I would still feel just awful for the dog...not because it was your fault but because the dog and the other animals had the terrible misfortune of being chosen by these people as their unfortunate.Smiley Sad


This is one friendship I would not miss!


BTW: Hope you guys are ok?


**Careful... I have caps lock and I am not afraid to use it.**