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Re: Former NASA engineer claims he saw a NINE FOOT alien

On 3/29/2015 madcity411 said:

The NBA should be looking into this......

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Re: Former NASA engineer claims he saw a NINE FOOT alien

I haven't heard of this guy and don't know if his story is true or not. My father was a pilot in the military and knows many people throughout the industry who have made claims about things they have witnessed. These weren't nut cases. Many of these men were officers in the military or ATC's with long distinguished careers. They knew that they would be made to look like fools or be considered crazy and risk losing their financial security after retirement so how many would risk that? Pretty much all their talk was done privately. A lot of stories I have heard didn't involve aliens or anything like that, just aircrafts that couldn't be identified as anything we currently have with capabilities we definitely don't have. I think it is pretty arrogant to think we are the only ones out here. Even if this guy was telling the Gods honest truth our govt and every govt in the world would have a reason to make him look completely crazy because of the unrest it would cause.

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Re: Former NASA engineer claims he saw a NINE FOOT alien

Never been able to understand why it's so difficult to believe there could be ""other"" life than human in this universe. Why does one have to actually SEE it to believe it? Many people ""believe"" in things they don't see.

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Re: Former NASA engineer claims he saw a NINE FOOT alien

On 3/29/2015 Irshgrl31201 said:

I haven't heard of this guy and don't know if his story is true or not. My father was a pilot in the military and knows many people throughout the industry who have made claims about things they have witnessed. These weren't nut cases. Many of these men were officers in the military or ATC's with long distinguished careers. They knew that they would be made to look like fools or be considered crazy and risk losing their financial security after retirement so how many would risk that? Pretty much all their talk was done privately. A lot of stories I have heard didn't involve aliens or anything like that, just aircrafts that couldn't be identified as anything we currently have with capabilities we definitely don't have. I think it is pretty arrogant to think we are the only ones out here. Even if this guy was telling the Gods honest truth our govt and every govt in the world would have a reason to make him look completely crazy because of the unrest it would cause.

amen...I agree Irsh.


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Re: Former NASA engineer claims he saw a NINE FOOT alien

Maybe I'm gullible, but if he was, as my Ma would say, in Outta Space and saw an alien, he saw an alien. I've never though we were alone in the galaxy.

There are many elements: wind, fire, water
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Re: Former NASA engineer claims he saw a NINE FOOT alien

Personally, I don't believe in UFOs. This has been going on for several years and I think if there really were UFOs, they would've made verifiable contact with planet earth beyond subjective reports........

I posted it because most folks are interested in the possibility of them being real...some people believe it; some don't.

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Re: Former NASA engineer claims he saw a NINE FOOT alien

I had a grandmother, born in 1901, who swore until the day she died that astronauts didn't go anywhere and the entire moon landing was fabricated on a movie set out in the middle of nowhere. Now, if I asked her, Grandma, could there be aliens? She would look at me, and say, child, that was an actor in a costume.

There are many elements: wind, fire, water
But none quite like the element of surprise
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Re: Former NASA engineer claims he saw a NINE FOOT alien

I don't think we're alone at all -- I believe in angels, demons and God.

I don't believe in aliens.

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Re: Former NASA engineer claims he saw a NINE FOOT alien

People are questioning the moon landing; I haven't studied it but nothing would surprise me anymore, LOL.......

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Re: Former NASA engineer claims he saw a NINE FOOT alien

People have questioned the moon landing since it happened. Just like some think Bush blew up the towers and Sandy Hook was orchestrated by the government.