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For those that live along the east & gulf coasts...

[ Edited ]

Another hurricane has developed called Irma. It won't be til closer to Labor Day the meteorologists will be able to determine the path....if it will head up the east coast or go to the gulf coast. Based upon hurricane Irma's fast development already, it is expected to be a major hurricane.


If I still lived along the coastline, I would at least make sure I have all the basics at, plenty of batteries, water, food, etc and not wait to see when/if it would pass near or directly where I lived. It gives peace of mind, I wouldn't have to stand in lines. The same goes for filling up any vehicles/trucks as soon as it is determined where the path of the storm will be. I say this because I notice most folks wait til the last minute and complain about the long lines in stores/gas stations, etc. 


For the majority of stocking up far ahead of time, a lot of folks would say they don't want to waste money on stuff if the hurricane doesn't make landfall near them.

To that I say...

The majority of what you would purchase WAY ahead of time (to avoid waiting in lines and then finding out the shelves or gas stations are empty/wasting time and resources at the last minute) would be used anyway...who doesn't need batteries? food? water? basics? It's really a matter of stocking up and preparing.

The only thing that would be difficult to keep full to the last minute is gas in a car especially if one travels a lot for work or errands. However, as soon as I knew about 5 days out or less that the possibility was getting greater of the storm making landfall along the coastline I lived on, I would top off my vehicle's tank every day. This way, for example, my tank would be mostly full without having to wait in lines that wrap around corners blocks down the street! I would also fill up those containers with gas (we have 2 in our garage for the lawnmower).


Anyway, I hope and pray Hurricane Irma doesn't make a landfall. Unfortunately, the way it's looking, that is not likely. Irma will make landfall either along the gulf coast (looking to be more likely) or the atlantic coast.


In 2004, there were several hurricanes that hit both coastlines between August and September that year. My folks had to deal with hurricane Charley. This year will be very different. Hurricane Harvey as everyone knows has been a massive doubt has done more damage than all the hurricanes in 2004 put together...and Katrina.


The folks that are now dealing with Harvey in the Houston area & surrounding towns will no doubt have to wait even longer for help if/when the US armed services and charities are stretched so thin when another major hurricane makes landfall within about 2 weeks.

The sad part is, many of those folks in shelters now will have to think more about putting up curtains there instead of having their sights on going back home. The time for recovering will be much longer getting things back to normal with less help/supplies being available.


Stay safe everyone!

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Re: For those that live along the east & gulf coasts...

The Weather Channel must be loving this.


Your advice is well-taken but I think people have time to prepare.  One report said that if Irma does turn into a hurricane and if she slams the US coast, it will be the week of September 10.

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Re: For those that live along the east & gulf coasts...

When the problem in Charlottesville occurred, I wonder what news event would make it disappear, and now this!  Unbelievable what is happening along the coast and even inland now.   


Isn't it odd how "we collectively" are helping mankind regardless of race, creed, or social standing ... makes one believe that Harvey came to show the U.S. to be one nation, not divided.  Just a thought .....

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Re: For those that live along the east & gulf coasts...

@Susan Louise  For those of us living in storm-prone areas, I do think we have to be pro-active in terms of preparation, but for those whose homes are totally devastated as with so many in Harvey's path -  all the preparation with the exception of a "GO Kit" gets destroyed, too.


It's easy to become complacent even when we see the horrors elsewhere, but your point about resources being stretched thin is so true.  So many workers, volunteer and paid, have been moved from all over the country into Harvey's path that we have to wonder who's left when they are needed. 


That means that more than ever, prep could pay off big.  Those who wait until the last minute might well find what they are hoping for was stripped from store shelves several days ago. 


One point I'd never given much thought to until I went through the '04 season in Florida is that those who can, should because so many live from day to day and have very little resources even if they realize they should prep.  They will ddefinitely need help after wherever the storm goes!





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Re: For those that live along the east & gulf coasts...

@ValuSkr wrote:

The Weather Channel must be loving this.


Your advice is well-taken but I think people have time to prepare.  One report said that if Irma does turn into a hurricane and if she slams the US coast, it will be the week of September 10.


@ValuSkr  Well, over the past 10+ years, I have read many posts by forum members here that don't watch the news, watch it minimally, or not at all. 


Additionally, folks had plenty of time to prepare for most hurricanes over the past few decades, however many wait til the last minute to get supplies anyway...hence my post.


I am just trying to be helpful. If I inspire just one person to be more prepared than they would normally be, my OP will have been well worth my time  Smiley Happy

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Re: For those that live along the east & gulf coasts...

While I am up in NJ I keep a box of supplies for this reason. Battery operated radio,batteries,candles,battery operated lanterns,blankets,money, copies of my important docs in waterproof ziplock. French press, water for the tub/toilet. Stuff like that better to always have some items already.

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Re: For those that live along the east & gulf coasts...

[ Edited ]

@millieshops wrote:

@Susan Louise  For those of us living in storm-prone areas, I do think we have to be pro-active in terms of preparation, but for those whose homes are totally devastated as with so many in Harvey's path -  all the preparation with the exception of a "GO Kit" gets destroyed, too.


It's easy to become complacent even when we see the horrors elsewhere, but your point about resources being stretched thin is so true.  So many workers, volunteer and paid, have been moved from all over the country into Harvey's path that we have to wonder who's left when they are needed. 


That means that more than ever, prep could pay off big.  Those who wait until the last minute might well find what they are hoping for was stripped from store shelves several days ago. 


One point I'd never given much thought to until I went through the '04 season in Florida is that those who can, should because so many live from day to day and have very little resources even if they realize they should prep.  They will ddefinitely need help after wherever the storm goes!






@millieshops  ITA with your points as well. Additionally, because of Harvey there are additional things to consider most never would have fathomed before...


Like those poor folks in Port Arthur who were rescued and brought to a shelter and then to have that place flood! That would make me think to make sure I found a safe haven much further inland than I originally would have thought I would have to travel to.


I also lived through Hurricane Gloria in I 'get' what one has to do to be prepared. I lived on the LI coastline of CT for 40+ yrs before moving to NE Smiley Happy

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Re: For those that live along the east & gulf coasts...

@Susan Louise  Good post.  It's important to be prepared; these storms can shift so suddenly it's impossible to predict.


I am hoping that Irma will be bumped off course with the high pressure bearing down from the west side of the Gulf.


Keeping all of you in thought and prayer.

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Re: For those that live along the east & gulf coasts...

@Susan Louise

Makes me sick to my stomach to think Texas could have 

a week/2 of sunshine, no rain, finally being able to breath

and assess the damage...when Irma could come in &

flood everything all over again.


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Re: For those that live along the east & gulf coasts...

It's just so devastating to have two huge storms back to back like that.