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For those of us still in the grips of summer heat...

I am dying laughing! 


I come home for lunch and the lawn people have put a pre-emergent out that needs to be watered in.  So I put on the sprinklers.


I am about to head back to the office until I see our post woman stop the truck and come running over to my side of the street.  At first I think she is going to rummage in my recycle but no.


She does the spray tan pose and basks in the water spraying and stands there twirling around like Wonder Woman for about 2 minutes.  If there is a wet t-shirt contest anywhere, she's ready! 


My apologies to any Georgia peeps who get their mail a little soggy today or see a post woman in wet see through clothes.  My bad!  Smiley Very Happy



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Re: For those of us still in the grips of summer heat...

We started paying someone to spray our yard. They killed half our front yard. DH is back doing it after he fired them earlier this year. LOL!!!

He's putting on fertilizer when he gets home from work because it needs to be watered in. It's suppose to rain the next 4 days.

He mowed yesterday & will apply the fertilizer today.

Nobody else is mowing around here this time of year. They are too lazy. We like to have a nice yard.

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Re: For those of us still in the grips of summer heat...

@Laura14  I hear you ! It is 92 degrees right now where I am. No cool weather coming our anytime soon.

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Re: For those of us still in the grips of summer heat...

@webbgarner1 Our best hope is 80 a week from now. Where's Fall?!
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Re: For those of us still in the grips of summer heat...

@Laura14  yeah. I miss having some cool days where it feels like fall. 

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Re: For those of us still in the grips of summer heat...

Still hot here in AL, we had a couple of days of 80's, but it's now back to the 90's again!  I don't think it is ever going to turn cool, we will be running the AC at Thanksgiving & Christmas!

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Re: For those of us still in the grips of summer heat...

We have pre-emergent sprayed twice a year. We don’t have grass so it doesn’t have to be watered in. They just spray the rocks in both the back and front yard. It has helped immensely. I haven’t had to pull weeds for the past couple of years. The weather has been so nice here. In the 80’s. Sure beats 100 plus.

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Re: For those of us still in the grips of summer heat...

@Laura14 Ha! Yes, this is just wrong. Summer has stolen our Fall! Someone needs to get rid of horrible Summer!

I hate hot and humid more than just about anything. We’ve lived all over but live in the Midwest now. We have the worst possible summers. We are from the SE and summers there are not nearly as bad as here. Crazy and wrong! LOL.
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Re: For those of us still in the grips of summer heat...

Summer is STUBBORN and won't go away---apparently its mad because all the rain in most of the country ruined all the summer fun this year, so now Summer is rebelling!!!  Its been 90 here and humid last couple of days---best we can hope for is mid 80's next week......FALL WE WANT YOU TO TAKE A STAND AND COME VISIT US!!! 



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Re: For those of us still in the grips of summer heat...

@Spurt  Do you know even with the rain we've gotten, they just anounced a drought watch on us?  It's been so hot for so long all the rain didn't matter!