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I never look at food shows and now I remember why.  I have QVC2 on, it's on mute while I'm cleaning out my desk.  I happened to look up and there is this scrumptious German crumb cake.  Omg....  It is just calling out to me and I'm not even listening to Pat and the vendor present it.  So thankful when they moved on to the next thing.  But its big jumbo yummy looking muffins!  I clicked to CNN because my resolve was weakening.  I was talking myself into the idea that I'd put that cake in the freezer for when the family comes by.  




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I am guilty of ordering after watching the food shows.  I've ordered cookies and Landies pretzels and had them delivered to my grandkids.  They love receiving these goodies.

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@San Antonio Gal wrote:

I am guilty of ordering after watching the food shows.  I've ordered cookies and Landies pretzels and had them delivered to my grandkids.  They love receiving these goodies.


I'm sure the kids love those packages.  When I was a kid, my dad's mother, Grandma Helen, would send us packages with homemade goodies, candy, oranges.  I loved the sweet cornbread she made. We didn't see her often, just once a year but those packages kept us close to her.




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@chrystaltree   I rarely watch any food shows that are selling food because the quantities that are profitable for the presenters and venders are too big for me personally and now that so many of my close friends are on special diets, it's hard to share. 

I usually don't even walk into the bakery area of the local supermarkets even though many of them offer some excellent choices.  I'm better not to see them often, but I do explore occasionally.  My nearest Publix is an old store and caters to those of us who want small portions.  I like being able to buy half a loaf of fresh baked bread or one slice of cake.  When there's no waste, it works on my food budget to pay a bit more per serving.

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I've never ordered any food items from QVC. If I'm tempted I just read the reviews and my temptation is gone. 

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@SaveTheTurtles wrote:

I've never ordered any food items from QVC. If I'm tempted I just read the reviews and my temptation is gone. 

I have to agree here, reviews on most of the food items are usually quite moderate at best. I also look at the prices and get turned off and also the ingredients , usually very high in fat, carbs and salt