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Follow up to "Neighbor Stole my Cookies"

I just wanted everyone to know that I followed up with my neighbor's daughter this morning.  She was visiting her mother's house and carrying some things out.


I asked her how her mother was doing and explained what happened at my house.   Her daughter said her mother suffered a mini stroke this past summer and she was taking  her mother to live with her, because she felt she could no longer care for herself properly and feared for her safety.  Her mother has not been home since Christmas Day.


My neighbor put a load of dirty clothes in her gas oven and tossed a cup of oil in there thinking it was laundry detergent and turned the oven on..on Christmas Day.  Her daughter said the oven was starting to smoke when she arrived to pick her mother up for Christmas dinner.


She also told me more stories about her mother that were scary.  Her daughter found the bag of cookies and pretzels under the tree, but her mother did not know how they got there.  The bag was still intact and I told her that they could have them.


So, my neighbor is moving in with her daughter and the house will be sold.  This is so sad, but I am happy the daughter is taking care of her mother now.  

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Re: Follow up to "Neighbor Stole my Cookies"

I am glad you found out what is happpening with her, but so sorry she is going downhill. Very sad to see someone get like that. I hope and pray her daughter will take good care of her. It was good you gave her the benefit of the doubt.

And in the end, the love you take is equal to the love you make~ The Beatles
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Re: Follow up to "Neighbor Stole my Cookies"

That's very sad.  I wonder if her daughter will really be able to take care of her.  She will have to leave her house sometimes, and her mother could end up burning the house down when no one is watching her.  It seems to me like she should live in an Assisted Living situation for people with dementia.  I hope they will be okay.

The Bluebird Carries The Sky On His Back"
-Henry David Thoreau

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Re: Follow up to "Neighbor Stole my Cookies"

@CarmieI'll bet you are  relieved to know  that   she will be taken care of by her daughter? I'm glad  you now know ,what is going on with her


Just imagine how awful it would have been, for you both, if you had accused her of  stealing  cookies?


You are a good person.

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Re: Follow up to "Neighbor Stole my Cookies"

[ Edited ]

Wow.  What a sad story.  But it goes to show that one shouldn't jump to conclusions.  You approached the situation well by speaking to the daughter and not the woman herself.  She's lucky that nothing serious happened and that she has a daughter willing and able to take her in.

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Re: Follow up to "Neighbor Stole my Cookies"

That's  so sad.    I feel bad for the mom and the daughter - it's very hard taking care of a loved one like that.   


Yes, it's good you didn't accuse the mom of stealing.   It didn't sound like she did anything intentional.  

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Re: Follow up to "Neighbor Stole my Cookies"

@Carmie wrote:

I just wanted everyone to know that I followed up with my neighbor's daughter this morning.  She was visiting her mother's house and carrying some things out.


I asked her how her mother was doing and explained what happened at my house.   Her daughter said her mother suffered a mini stroke this past summer and she was taking  her mother to live with her, because she felt she could no longer care for herself properly and feared for her safety.  Her mother has not been home since Christmas Day.


My neighbor put a load of dirty clothes in her gas oven and tossed a cup of oil in there thinking it was laundry detergent and turned the oven on..on Christmas Day.  Her daughter said the oven was starting to smoke when she arrived to pick her mother up for Christmas dinner.


She also told me more stories about her mother that were scary.  Her daughter found the bag of cookies and pretzels under the tree, but her mother did not know how they got there.  The bag was still intact and I told her that they could have them.


So, my neighbor is moving in with her daughter and the house will be sold.  This is so sad, but I am happy the daughter is taking care of her mother now.  







I'm glad that the lady wasn't a cold-hearted thief like some automatically said that she was.



I knew that there had to be a medical reason why this lady that was nice and upstanding, suddenly changed her whole personality, almost overnight.


I'm even happier that her daughter is taking care of her mother by taking her in.



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Re: Follow up to "Neighbor Stole my Cookies"

Thank you for posting this followup, like you I was also very concerned about the elderly lady. I'm so glad her daughter is stepping up to help her dear mother. Aging is nothing to laugh about.

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Re: Follow up to "Neighbor Stole my Cookies"

@NickNack  There are other alternatives.  My mother moved in with my sister when my mother started declining with dementia and then got worse and worse.  Paid professional companions (one a retired nurse) came in while my sister was at work to look after my mother, so nothing dangerous happened.  The companion also was in the bathroom when my mother showered to make sure she didn't fall 9and handrails, a sit-down thingy, etc. were installed).  My mother passed away eventually in her own bedroom at my sister's home.  My mother never wanted to go into a facility and she died happily and peacefully where she wanted to be.    So, there are options.

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Re: Follow up to "Neighbor Stole my Cookies"

Yes you're right @Pearlee.  Thanks for pointing out the other options.

The Bluebird Carries The Sky On His Back"
-Henry David Thoreau