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So sad,

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So very sorry to hear this.  Those responders are certainly heroes.  Bless their families.

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I saw that on the news this morning.  So sorry you're all going through that and the loss of the responders.  So sorry!!


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So heart wrenching for the families and your community, such sad horrible news.  


Hopefully a miracle will happen and the fires stopped, as you say end of summer can't come any faster.

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@Pearlee wrote:

If they were "assisting," were they still "first" responders?

This has got to be a joke, right?  SMH

A Negative Mind ~ Will give you a Negative Life
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@Pearlee wrote:

If they were "assisting," were they still "first" responders?

This is your takeaway from such sad news? 
Figures, I guess.