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On 9/21/2014 sophiamarie said:

Gosh, I sure hope the OP is okay too. Those falls can be very dangerous. I have grab-bars in my shower and the surface is not slick - but I didn't fall in the shower.

Ten months ago, I took a fall in my living room while I was twirling around, playing with the dog, while wearing flip-flops. The toe of one flip got caught in the heel of the other one and I was "stuck" and fell down flat on my back. I wiggled my toes, moved my legs, wiggled my hips and thought "okay, I'm fine, didn't break anything"..... By that time, my husband got to me and picked me up. I was a little shaken but felt okay, although I noticed a slight twinge in my femur whenever I swirled around in my chair.

After a few days, I called my doctor and told him about the twinge. He told me to go to the ER for an x-ray and possible CAT scan. So, the x-ray came out negative and the nurse moved my left leg out and I felt that twinge again so she said I needed a CAT scan. That, also came back negative and I was sent home with a paper telling me I had a "contusion" that could take days or even weeks to resolve itself, along with some instructions as to how to take care of it.

My doctor checked up on me after about a week and when I told him I still felt that "twinge" he told me to go back to the ER for an MRI. His office made the appointment and I got there and they took me right away. Afterward, I was in the dressing room getting dressed and the technician met me in the doorway to tell me that my MRI was being read "right now"... I said "oh, great, that's probably because the other tests came back normal and my doctor is concerned"..... He said "ummm, your doctor wants you to call him in about 10 minutes on his cell phone. He then gave me the number.

So, after about 10 minutes, with my husband waiting for me in the car at the entrance to the ER, I called my doctor, who informed me that I had a fracture of the "femoral neck" and to go in and get admitted immediately. He had already called the Orthopod and got things in motion.

I was admitted on a Tuesday, late afternoon. The Orthopod came to see me after his office hours about 7 pm and told me that I would have a procedure the next evening about 6 pm. They already had me in a 5 lb. weight cast hanging from the foot of the bed, so I couldn't move my leg.

So, the next day, (Wed.) I had 3 titanium screws implanted in my leg/hip. The therapist came in for me that evening and the next morning (which was Thanksgiving Day) and when the Orthopod came to see me, I told him I wanted to go home. He called my doctor to make sure it was okay for me to go and they both agreed that I would be safe at home, knowing that my husband could (and would) be taking care to make sure I wasn't doing anything stupid for awhile.

The reason I am telling this, is to tell anyone out there, that I had a fracture and didn't know it because the pain I was feeling was not severe and just felt like a bruise that took time to heal. The Ortho even wanted to send me home with pain pills but I told him I didn't need anything. I never had any pain after that. The minute I got up and walked after the procedure, there was no pain at all. They sent me home with a walker (which I used for less than a week) and since then, I am walking normally with no help at all.......When I went for the follow-up to the Ortho, I took the walker with me, just to show him I was being careful - but I really didn't need it.

My follow-up appts. are all normal. The x-rays look good and I think the bone is already healed.......

I hope the OP takes care and lets her doctor know of any twinges or "feelings" that are not normal........ Smile

How horrible, I am so sorry you had to go through this.........happy you are healing so well, and well already healed.

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On 9/20/2014 redhead handbag queen said: Thanks, I don't think I'm hurt, I think it would have been worse if I fell forward as my hands would have gone out. I fell backward and hit the toilet in between my shoulders. Thanks though!

Very unusual for someone to say this about falling forward. First thing I teach all hockey players is to always lean a bit forward when on the ice, skating or standing still. When a player falls the preferred way is always forward. The last thing I want them to do is fall backwards because you have little control of how you land, or what part of your body hits the ice first, when falling backwards.

During my many years on the ice in several capacities I have fallen thousands and thousands of times from my own learning experiences to the teaching of others. Unfortunately some of them have been backwards because there are situations that a skater cannot always control, especially when skating backwards.

The thing that is most important to hockey players and anyone in fact, when falling backwards, is to not let your head be the first thing to contact the ice/ground. Hand/arms and other injuries generally are not serious. Any hard hit to the head can be very serious and even deadly.

I have no idea what "my hands would have gone out" even means.

Then main thing I am happy to see, from what I've seen you say here, is that you were not seriously injured. Hopefully everything is ok with your body and you are feeling good soon.

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On 9/21/2014 Poodlepet said: Preds, congrats on your first thread! The subject matter is perfect: every time I see your name, it makes me think of prednisone- the ultimate anti-inflammatory. I am absolutely terrified of slipping in the shower: I never go in my shower without shoes. I either wear Adidas flip flops which have excellent traction, or Crocs. You might want to check your local big chain hardware store for portable grab bars that you can bring with you. These little guys have powerful suction, and in my mind add another layer of safety. Feel better, Poodlepet

Hi poodlepet. Preds didn't start this thread. Smile

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So sorry about your fall, thankfully you weren't seriously injured. Please be careful, falls happen so fast and the results can be disastrous. Unfortunately, as we age they happen much more frequently.

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On 9/22/2014 scotttie said:
On 9/21/2014 Poodlepet said: Preds, congrats on your first thread! The subject matter is perfect: every time I see your name, it makes me think of prednisone- the ultimate anti-inflammatory. I am absolutely terrified of slipping in the shower: I never go in my shower without shoes. I either wear Adidas flip flops which have excellent traction, or Crocs. You might want to check your local big chain hardware store for portable grab bars that you can bring with you. These little guys have powerful suction, and in my mind add another layer of safety. Feel better, Poodlepet

Hi poodlepet. Preds didn't start this thread. Smile

She just got confused by the red and preds. Smile I do like the fact that I'm thought of as anti-inflammatory. {#emotions_dlg.laugh}

Fate whispers to her, "You cannot withstand the storm." She whispers back, "I am the storm."

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On 9/22/2014 hckynut said:
On 9/20/2014 redhead handbag queen said: Thanks, I don't think I'm hurt, I think it would have been worse if I fell forward as my hands would have gone out. I fell backward and hit the toilet in between my shoulders. Thanks though!

Very unusual for someone to say this about falling forward. First thing I teach all hockey players is to always lean a bit forward when on the ice, skating or standing still. When a player falls the preferred way is always forward. The last thing I want them to do is fall backwards because you have little control of how you land, or what part of your body hits the ice first, when falling backwards.

During my many years on the ice in several capacities I have fallen thousands and thousands of times from my own learning experiences to the teaching of others. Unfortunately some of them have been backwards because there are situations that a skater cannot always control, especially when skating backwards.

The thing that is most important to hockey players and anyone in fact, when falling backwards, is to not let your head be the first thing to contact the ice/ground. Hand/arms and other injuries generally are not serious. Any hard hit to the head can be very serious and even deadly.

I have no idea what "my hands would have gone out" even means.

Then main thing I am happy to see, from what I've seen you say here, is that you were not seriously injured. Hopefully everything is ok with your body and you are feeling good soon.

I should have been clearer, I meant my arms would have gone out to protect me and I would have fell on the toilet hitting my arms, chest/shoulders or head. The way I fell it hit my upper back which in my case has more padding, lol.

Thanks for the well wishes though, I was sore the next day, but it wasn't as bad as I thought it would be.

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Registered: ‎03-09-2010
Redhead, I owe you an apology for confusing you with Preds..(when you are a certain age, sometimes mental facilities wonder a little south!). I hope you are feeling better and that you aren't suffering. Congratulations on your first thread and we look forward to hearing from you. Poodlepet
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Registered: ‎12-02-2013
Tub/ shower falls are frightening. I started to keep either an oblong or circular shaped stool in the tub/ shower. I feel safer sitting down and can swivel to get out of the tub. I have a grab bar in another bath. However, I prefer the sit down method and having a nonslip mat or rug to step out onto. Hope that will help others with preventing a fall.
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Sir Winston Churchill