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My child is horribly afraid of dogs.  He's had this problem for years and it's regardless of what type of dog or whose dog it is.  He refuses to go near them. 

Going out in public where dogs are allowed, he steers clear of them...WIDELY.


My question to you is this:  If you were hosting a family get-together where you hardly ever see someone who is afraid of a pet, would you find a place for your pet to hang out so your family member can come to visit you on a holiday? 


Or would you not ask them to come?


Even if all other family was coming?



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This seems like a loaded question.  I would confine my dog for a few hours.  The child needs help to manage and hopefully overcome his fear of dogs though.  

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I agree he needs some help.

But even's hurtful that my family won't confine their dogs for a short time.  Smiley Sad


He's autistic, so maybe a psych doctor will have ideas on this!


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@tansy wrote:

This seems like a loaded question.  I would confine my dog for a few hours.  The child needs help to manage and hopefully overcome his fear of dogs though.  


@tansy.  I have a feeling the son may not be a child.

@timeless. How old is your son?

New Mexico☀️Land Of Enchantment
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I'd definitely find a place for my pet to hang out during the get together. I would never exclude a family member like that. The dog can be perfectly happy by himself for a few hours. 

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 If I could find a place where my pet would be comfortable, then I would do it.

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If I had a place in my house where I could put the dog while my guests were present.  I'd put the dog there with his good, water, toys.  If I didn't have such a place or if the dog would object and cause a ruckus; I'd be forced to choose my dog over my family member.  I see no other options.  I had this issue with my cat years ago.  I had two family members who had cat phobias.  I remember one asked if I could put the car in the basement during a party.  I refused.  That would have been to upsetting for my cat.  We never locked her up and she was actually quiet good around people.  A few extended family members had a problem with it.








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@timeless wrote:

My child is horribly afraid of dogs.  He's had this problem for years and it's regardless of what type of dog or whose dog it is.  He refuses to go near them. 

Going out in public where dogs are allowed, he steers clear of them...WIDELY.


My question to you is this:  If you were hosting a family get-together where you hardly ever see someone who is afraid of a pet, would you find a place for your pet to hang out so your family member can come to visit you on a holiday? 


Or would you not ask them to come?


Even if all other family was coming?



@timeless There isn't a right or wrong answer for this.  The issue is someone can't do what they want.  It is an issue that perhaps has no answer.  So my answer is don't look at what should be, look at the situation and decide what YOU will do.  


Other than that let it go.  Not worth a world of hurt feelings and confrontation, anger and resentment.  

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People over animals always. Period. 

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Well, being autistic, depending on where on the spectrum, he may never grow to be comfortable with dogs. If so, it would probably take some slow, skilled introductions. So, yes, I would confine my dog, if it was just for a day visit.