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I was just thinking, there are always a lot of responses to complaints about QVC, that say change the channel. OK, fair enough, but isn't it also fair to say avoid the posts that you know will annoy or frustrate you ? I mean live and let live. If someone says their Christmas is ruined, it is most likely  just temporary venting over a situation that at this point is out of their control. I mean some people were accusing these folks of not knowing the meaningI  of Christmas, kind of harsh. No one forces us to read any of these posts. I guess I'm just asking to be fair for the holidays. 🎄🎄


" You are entitled to your opinion. But you are not entitled to your own facts."
Daniel Patrick Moynihan
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I think fair is individual...there isn't a rule book anymore.

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The only person you can control on the boards is yourself. No matter how well meaning you are , people will post  as they wish

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Registered: ‎05-23-2010

Fair? I'm not sure how the concept of "fair" works as far as people posting opinions that aren't "nice", agreeable, warm and fuzzy.


I think it's perfectly valid, in a thread where a poster pitches a hissyfit because they didn't get "a" package when they were supposed to and their "Christmas was ruined", that others express opinions that presents and material things have traditionally not been THE point of Xmas.  It's plausible to believe that a person who comes unglued about a missing package is only into the material aspect of Xmas, and yes, needs to be reminded of why *most* people celebrate.


In poor families, low on their Christmas celebrations is "stuff".  What's important for them is being together, having a good time with enough food to eat and at least 1-2 small gifts for their children. Others, rich and poor and in-between, add religious observance into the mix.


The forums are about expressing one's opinions. Although some posters think they *should*, 100% of the time, be about positive thinking, love and lifting everyone up all the time - so anyone who posts otherwise in their opinions should just shut up, keep quiet, go away, etc because they're not being "nice."


No forum anywhere works that way unless it is a faith-based group. The forums are what they are. "Be nice", Don't be mean/nasty", "Always be supportive of everyone", etc. are the POV and outlook of some. But they have no power to coerce, control, nanny or "shame" other posters, though they try - for the best reasons of course.


Everyone's opinion has a right to be stated, like it or not, think it's mean or not. It's part of the give-and-take that's a discussion forum.

Life without Mexican food is no life at all
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it is easier to avoid a post that lets you know CLEARLY what it is about.......Smiley Wink

"The world is a dangerous place, not because of those who do evil, but because of those who look on and do nothing." - Albert Einstein
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I can't  know what is important to poor families, it's not my business what Christmas means some other. I can't know if a promised package that doesn't arrive as promised has ruined a poster's Christmas, only they know. 

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Registered: ‎05-23-2015


@Moonchilde wrote:

Fair? I'm not sure how the concept of "fair" works as far as people posting opinions that aren't "nice", agreeable, warm and fuzzy.


I think it's perfectly valid, in a thread where a poster pitches a hissyfit because they didn't get "a" package when they were supposed to and their "Christmas was ruined", that others express opinions that presents and material things have traditionally not been THE point of Xmas.  It's plausible to believe that a person who comes unglued about a missing package is only into the material aspect of Xmas, and yes, needs to be reminded of why *most* people celebrate.


In poor families, low on their Christmas celebrations is "stuff".  What's important for them is being together, having a good time with enough food to eat and at least 1-2 small gifts for their children. Others, rich and poor and in-between, add religious observance into the mix.


The forums are about expressing one's opinions. Although some posters think they *should*, 100% of the time, be about positive thinking, love and lifting everyone up all the time - so anyone who posts otherwise in their opinions should just shut up, keep quiet, go away, etc because they're not being "nice."


No forum anywhere works that way unless it is a faith-based group. The forums are what they are. "Be nice", Don't be mean/nasty", "Always be supportive of everyone", etc. are the POV and outlook of some. But they have no power to coerce, control, nanny or "shame" other posters, though they try - for the best reasons of course.


Everyone's opinion has a right to be stated, like it or not, think it's mean or not. It's part of the give-and-take that's a discussion forum.

God forbid I ask anyone to be nice, I know better, my point was, why aggravate youself by reading posts, that bore, infuriate or otherwise just tick you off ?

" You are entitled to your opinion. But you are not entitled to your own facts."
Daniel Patrick Moynihan
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Posts: 11,037
Registered: ‎03-10-2010

@sunshine45 wrote:

it is easier to avoid a post that lets you know CLEARLY what it is about.......Smiley Wink

To me, teaser threads are inconsiderate, rude.

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Posts: 6,475
Registered: ‎03-14-2015

Ahhhh, lovely. Another "board police" thread, demanding that the readers act a certain way.



The only person that you can control is yourself. 


To expect to control others because you ( general meaning) demand everybody else must respond in a certain way, is like trying to hold back the ocean with a spoon.



It is pointless, unrealistic, and is just simply not going to happen.

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Posts: 18,504
Registered: ‎05-23-2010

@QVCkitty1 wrote:


@Moonchilde wrote:

Fair? I'm not sure how the concept of "fair" works as far as people posting opinions that aren't "nice", agreeable, warm and fuzzy.


I think it's perfectly valid, in a thread where a poster pitches a hissyfit because they didn't get "a" package when they were supposed to and their "Christmas was ruined", that others express opinions that presents and material things have traditionally not been THE point of Xmas.  It's plausible to believe that a person who comes unglued about a missing package is only into the material aspect of Xmas, and yes, needs to be reminded of why *most* people celebrate.


In poor families, low on their Christmas celebrations is "stuff".  What's important for them is being together, having a good time with enough food to eat and at least 1-2 small gifts for their children. Others, rich and poor and in-between, add religious observance into the mix.


The forums are about expressing one's opinions. Although some posters think they *should*, 100% of the time, be about positive thinking, love and lifting everyone up all the time - so anyone who posts otherwise in their opinions should just shut up, keep quiet, go away, etc because they're not being "nice."


No forum anywhere works that way unless it is a faith-based group. The forums are what they are. "Be nice", Don't be mean/nasty", "Always be supportive of everyone", etc. are the POV and outlook of some. But they have no power to coerce, control, nanny or "shame" other posters, though they try - for the best reasons of course.


Everyone's opinion has a right to be stated, like it or not, think it's mean or not. It's part of the give-and-take that's a discussion forum.

God forbid I ask anyone to be nice, I know better, my point was, why aggravate youself by reading posts, that bore, infuriate or otherwise just tick you off ?



It may be your opinion/supposition that a poster who posts something you disapprove of is aggravated, bored, infuriated or annoyed, but that isn't necessarily the case, that's just your opinion of their post.

Life without Mexican food is no life at all