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I know very little about Facebook, and mainly use it to see and comment on family photos.  I do, periodically, check on "Friend Requests".  In the past week or so, I seem to be inundated with "requests" from people from various foreign countries.  I have my "friend request" setting at "friends of friends".  The only other option is "everyone", which I had set originally until all this started.  But even though I changed the setting to "friends of friends", I seem to be getting more and more from these strangers.


Any suggestions?

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Just say no

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friends only is the best setting

Stop being afraid of what could go wrong and start being positive what could go right.
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That's what I've been doing...deleting all of them.  But each day there are more.  Any way to stop them?  I'm not aware of any different setting I should be using, since this just started recently.  Thanks!

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My friend doesn't want her Facebook page out there, so she set it up where she can't get friend requests.  If you want to be her friend, you have to tell her and she'll send you a friend request.  Maybe someone here knows the setting or you can read about the settings on Facebook.  I just decline people I don't know, but it sounds like you need to go a step further.

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It almost seems like as fast as I click on "remove" beside a request, another one appears.  Again, this just started recently.  (Thanks for those who are kind enough for responding.  I've always been reluctant to "do" Facebook, but was missing out on family stuff.  Now this.  I guess it's easy enough to "remove" the friend requests, but it's a pain!  Thanks everyone.

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Remove and then block them.

"Pure Michigan"
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@ID2  I know how to remove them.  Not sure how to block them once I've removed them.


(By the way, Michigan has the loveliest TV commercials!!!!)

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@Krimpette wrote:

@ID2  I know how to remove them.  Not sure how to block them once I've removed them.


(By the way, Michigan has the loveliest TV commercials!!!!)


Go up to the friend request. Click on decline. It will pop up "mark as spam". Click on that. I've gotten several of them lately also.  Once you've marked it as spam, that person won't be able to send you another request. 

Why is it, when I have a 50/50 guess at something, I'm always 100% wrong?
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Registered: ‎03-09-2010

@gidgetgh Thanks so much for your response.  And I'm a bit relieved to know this isn't just happening to me!  Thanks again!  (Just odd that it started only recently.)