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@Daisy wrote:

I'm sure there are a lot of people who take advantage of these kinds of places even if they really shouldn't be asking for handouts.


I used to work for an agency that had a small food pantry and this is indeed what happens. People who don't need help take advantage of the non existent screening processes, and so many that need help are left out in the cold because of it.


My husband works at UPS and every person working there makes a very good living. He has several co workers that show up for any 'free' thing they can find, from food pantries to 'stuff the bus' back to school supply give aways etc. These are people making at or near a six figure income (which in this area is a very nice living,even for a family with multiple children), with all the best health benefits to be found. 


This is why some people don't feel comfortable contributing to things like this (and choose other charities for their money or goods to go to), because they know that there is too much abuse, and in a few cases, will be donating food that is going to people who actually are in less need than those doing the donating.

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@Mominohio wrote:

@Daisy wrote:

I'm sure there are a lot of people who take advantage of these kinds of places even if they really shouldn't be asking for handouts.


I used to work for an agency that had a small food pantry and this is indeed what happens. People who don't need help take advantage of the non existent screening processes, and so many that need help are left out in the cold because of it.


My husband works at UPS and every person working there makes a very good living. He has several co workers that show up for any 'free' thing they can find, from food pantries to 'stuff the bus' back to school supply give aways etc. These are people making at or near a six figure income (which in this area is a very nice living,even for a family with multiple children), with all the best health benefits to be found. 


This is why some people don't feel comfortable contributing to things like this (and choose other charities for their money or goods to go to), because they know that there is too much abuse, and in a few cases, will be donating food that is going to people who actually are in less need than those doing the donating.

As our pastor once said -- would you rather let children go to bed every night without having eaten that day or would you rather accept that a certain % of dispicable people do come in & rip off agencies like our food bank. It is a fact of life that this happens but it is also a fact that it is not our place to judge - "Judge not lest ye be judged" our Lord Jesus said. Just give them a box of food with a smile on your face and know in your heart that God does know what they did, and it is for him to judge them.

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@dex wrote:

I have heard that cans that have been expired for a short time are fine as long as they aren't damaged or bulging. At one time there was no expiration date on cans but since that has been done I read that a lot of food that is still good is being tossed.i also read that the date is more for the manufacturer and that it is a best by but not toss out date.



I work in a large food bank.  We keep cans of food expired up to one year.  If it is more than a year expired we toss it.  The only exception to this is baby food which we toss if it is expired.  

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I totally agree with your comment and thank you for the gentle reminder.  Lets not begrudge the overwhelming majority for a few reprobates.  This thread is within the spirit of the holiday some of us will celebrate tomorrow; please continue to share stories about generosity.

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One of my neighbors works a food bank in her church....they take food as well as any clothing or household items..


I just gave her five bags of gently used shoes and books that are like brand new...and handbags....


I will be cleaning out my closets to give her clothes  next week....


She appreciates my donations as I am a much larger size then what most people donate....and they need the larger sizes ....



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@151949 wrote:

@Mominohio wrote:

@Daisy wrote:

I'm sure there are a lot of people who take advantage of these kinds of places even if they really shouldn't be asking for handouts.


I used to work for an agency that had a small food pantry and this is indeed what happens. People who don't need help take advantage of the non existent screening processes, and so many that need help are left out in the cold because of it.


My husband works at UPS and every person working there makes a very good living. He has several co workers that show up for any 'free' thing they can find, from food pantries to 'stuff the bus' back to school supply give aways etc. These are people making at or near a six figure income (which in this area is a very nice living,even for a family with multiple children), with all the best health benefits to be found. 


This is why some people don't feel comfortable contributing to things like this (and choose other charities for their money or goods to go to), because they know that there is too much abuse, and in a few cases, will be donating food that is going to people who actually are in less need than those doing the donating.

As our pastor once said -- would you rather let children go to bed every night without having eaten that day or would you rather accept that a certain % of dispicable people do come in & rip off agencies like our food bank. It is a fact of life that this happens but it is also a fact that it is not our place to judge - "Judge not lest ye be judged" our Lord Jesus said. Just give them a box of food with a smile on your face and know in your heart that God does know what they did, and it is for him to judge them.


I do not follow the 'judge not' that many people espouse. If we don't judge, or use some sort of filter, we cannot stop bad and evil and wrong doing. Passing laws and holding people to consequences is passing judgement. Looking at other's behaviors and choosing to not be (or indeed do become) like them (whether bad or good) is making judgements.


This whole thing about not judging is bunk. It is our filter through which we set our moral compass. And every one of those that take what they don't need from something like a food pantry is the one allowing a child to go hungry, not those that turn away from poorly managed charities and give elsewhere (and I'm not saying that I don't give to food drives).

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@DiAnne I totally agree about the baby food.Children deserve a chance to be their best.That is why we donate baby food and diapers to the food bank.i too have worked in food banks and saw the poor quality of donated baby food so I made it my job to see that everyone I know making a donation buys baby food and or diapers.

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@Mominohio Hey , if you don't want to donate food , don't. But certainly don't try to tell me what I can or should do. You do your thing and when you get to the pearly gates you can take up your case with St Peter , and I'll do my thing , Ok?

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Registered: ‎03-09-2010

@DiAnne wrote:

@dex wrote:

I have heard that cans that have been expired for a short time are fine as long as they aren't damaged or bulging. At one time there was no expiration date on cans but since that has been done I read that a lot of food that is still good is being tossed.i also read that the date is more for the manufacturer and that it is a best by but not toss out date.



I work in a large food bank.  We keep cans of food expired up to one year.  If it is more than a year expired we toss it.  The only exception to this is baby food which we toss if it is expired.  

This is against the law where I live - no expired food at all can be given out. We set it aside and a lady from the community takes it and feeds it to her pigs. We are regularly inspected by the county and the state to be sure we are totally with in the rules. We mark the expiration dates on every single item that comes in to our foodbank and it is placed on the shelves so that the oldest is used first so it doesn't expire.

It's appaling how many people donate food that is years old to the poor.

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@151949 wrote:

@Mominohio Hey , if you don't want to donate food , don't. But certainly don't try to tell me what I can or should do. You do your thing and when you get to the pearly gates you can take up your case with St Peter , and I'll do my thing , Ok?

You are the most judgemental person here