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Re: đź‘€FONT Size,Colors,Etc LIKES/DISLIKES Here on the Boards?đź‘€

I don't like all the colors.  It hurts my eyes.



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Colors can be distracting, but as long as it's large enoguh I don't care about color, font, or whatever. 


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Re: đź‘€FONT Size,Colors,Etc LIKES/DISLIKES Here on the Boards?đź‘€

Cat FrustratedCat Sad  Cat Wink  etc.  The only one I use is Heart ... I just wish they would give us a different list of available emoticons.


Text Color:  I often use color (prefer color to black).   

Font Sizes:  I sometimes use different size fonts especially if I know the OP has difficulty reading posts.  

Spellcheck:  The ABC spell feature is great; I wish people would use it more than they do! 

Font Family:  This feature is a nice option which I sometimes use.

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Re: đź‘€FONT Size,Colors,Etc LIKES/DISLIKES Here on the Boards?đź‘€

[ Edited ]

I use bold, italic, Book Antiqua, font size 3 and I enjoy using darker colors.  I can't read the normal size that the board uses, hurts my eyes.  There is so much white glare on the pages alone, that's a horrible distraction.. seems they need to do some filling in.  


I forgot to add, I find it very distracting (and skip over quickly) posts that are all over the place with colors & not being able to follow the post or quotes.. 

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Re: đź‘€FONT Size,Colors,Etc LIKES/DISLIKES Here on the Boards?đź‘€

i use the regular font and color and maybe i should change that.  it is very boring.  i think others who use the different fonts and colors says a lot about their personalities and i appreciate that!  so much fun!


the one thing that really bothers me are the posters, few and far between, who use that teeny weeny font that you need a magnifying glass to read.  what must they be thinking!

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Re: đź‘€FONT Size,Colors,Etc LIKES/DISLIKES Here on the Boards?đź‘€

i read most every post , any color or size font. its all good


i'm a graduate of the Evelyn Woodhead Speed Reading Course (lol)



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Re: đź‘€FONT Size,Colors,Etc LIKES/DISLIKES Here on the Boards?đź‘€

I have never changed anything.  Didn't even notice where the option was until I purposely looked for it just now.  I don't really like reading colors or huge print, but I know it makes it easier for some others, so it's no big deal.


I'm just happy I can now easily use italics/bold/underline on my tablet.

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Re: đź‘€FONT Size,Colors,Etc LIKES/DISLIKES Here on the Boards?đź‘€

[ Edited ]

I am so glad I learned to set a decent default font size.


As for the colors I like them but sometimes they can be hard to read so I use them sparingly.


It cracks me up when I see things in BIG RED LETTERS.Smiley Very Happy





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Re: đź‘€FONT Size,Colors,Etc LIKES/DISLIKES Here on the Boards?đź‘€

[ Edited ]


       I'd be interested to know if anyone has found research results about the most easily read (specifically, easily read on internet sites) font family, size, color and style.  I've done a few searches but haven't found anything helpful so far.   I went up to size 3 and modified the color after seeing several posters say they had real problems reading the default size (which seems to be a 2) and the default color (which seems to be dark gray instead of black).   But I don't know what's the best for most.


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Re: đź‘€FONT Size,Colors,Etc LIKES/DISLIKES Here on the Boards?đź‘€

It just does not matter to me one bit