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Re: *Under Construction*Miami Bridge Collapse

It's mind boggling.  How can something like that happen with all the permits and inspections and oversight that goes with a project like that?  Perhaps that's the answer.  A wink and nod and bundle of cash in someone's pocket and things get overlooked...

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Re: *Under Construction*Miami Bridge Collapse

Wondering if anything, regarding the construction, was compromised,

on some level, during Hurricane Irma last Aug/Sept?


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Re: *Under Construction*Miami Bridge Collapse



You just might have hit on what went wrong with this ill-fated bridge.  

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Re: *Under Construction*Miami Bridge Collapse

I wonder what was "instant" about this bridge's construction.  I suppose the span was built elsewhere and lifted into place in a day.  But the rest of the bridge's construction certainly took some time. 


What a tragedy.  It will be interesting to see how the investigation unfolds.

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Registered: ‎11-25-2011

Re: *Under Construction*Miami Bridge Collapse




You just might have hit on what went wrong with this ill-fated bridge.  

The structure was built to withstand F5 hurricanes, 

but the ground & underneath supports might have weakened.


All the permits, inspections & such had to be completed, so...

who knows?  Might be something we, the Public, will never 

be privy to, due to the lawsuits, etc.  Andyes, sadly, I’m s.u.r.e

attorneys for the dead/injured, have already been contacted. 


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Re: *Under Construction*Miami Bridge Collapse

It seems they were conducting a "stress" test for the new bridge, and it collapsed.

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Re: *Under Construction*Miami Bridge Collapse

[ Edited ]

I wonder if it was another sinkhole...


What a terrible tragedy.  Part of a double freeway collapsed in Oakland during the huge 1989 earthquake, I know how awful it is.


Edit, never mind the sinkhole comment, I see it was a footbridge, not over water.

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How horrible.  CNN is stating that there are multiple fatalities.  Cars were crushed underneath.  Fortunately, the school was in Spring Break.






Oh no...

Esteemed Contributor
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Re: *Under Construction*Miami Bridge Collapse

This is horrendous. Several people died. Who on earth designed this bridge? Lawsuits will abound. Whoever is responsible for this disaster deserves to pay.

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Registered: ‎03-09-2010

Re: *Under Construction*Miami Bridge Collapse

I wonder if a malfunction of that big construction crane had anything to do with it.