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I give thanks for this daily.  Spandex in pants too.  Ahhhh.



New Mexico☀️Land Of Enchantment
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Don't we know it haha!

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Me, too!    Some time along the way, my backside deflated, and "regular" pants just hang in ripples.    

♥Surface of the Sun♥
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Yes, elastic , what would I wear without it! !!!!!!

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Amen @Kachina624 Amen. Smiley Very Happy

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Registered: ‎10-14-2016

@Kachina624. that was a laugh out loud moment. 

Thanks for that and Happy Thanksgiving 

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@Travone.  You must be packing and getting ready to move.   Where will you be moving from?


I don't envy you that task.

New Mexico☀️Land Of Enchantment
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Yes I  am.  Going to try and finish it up this weekend.   Moving from Ohio.   I have too much stuff.   I think Goodwill is getting tired of seeing me.  

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-Kahlil Gibran