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On 3/31/2015 chickenbutt said:
On 3/31/2015 Lila Belle said:

Isn't anyone who subscribes to a philosophy or religion indoctrinated into it ?

Sure is. Thanks for the definition, Sui!

I also appreciate that you are more open-minded than many. But a really good percentage that I know stick to every word of that, most especially 'to not consider other ideas, opinions, and beliefs'.

I don't have enough fingers and toes to count how many people have told me that, JUST because I don't believe what they believe I am (and I quote) "evil and going to heII", as are all my gay friends. 100% of these people were of one religion - probably the one most prominent here. I'm not here to insult anybody but the simple fact is that the majority have these ways of thinking and they believe, think, and say everything they are taught to believe, think, and say. Fortunately, there are some who take the better qualities and I have friends in that category too. They don't call me 'godless heathen' and don't tell me what horrible fate awaits me because they GET that they don't know that any more than I do.

I'm NOT evil, nor are any of my friends and the whole 'heII' thing - well, don't get me started. Smiley Happy


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On 3/31/2015 SuiGeneris said:

Isn't it wonderful that one can enter the big, wide world of the internet and find those of like minds?

It's equally wonderful that QVC has provided a bulletin board wherein those of disparate minds are allowed to converse and exchange opinions and ideas, as long as the conversations remain courteous and respectful.


ETA: No bulletin board policing here, merely expressing my opinion. One is free to disagree with said opinion.

I agree! {#emotions_dlg.biggrin}

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As for me, I'm a Christian but I haven't been "indoctrinated" into anything. {#emotions_dlg.biggrin}

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On 3/31/2015 chickenbutt said:
On 3/31/2015 Lila Belle said:

Isn't anyone who subscribes to a philosophy or religion indoctrinated into it ?

Sure is. Thanks for the definition, Sui!

I also appreciate that you are more open-minded than many. But a really good percentage that I know stick to every word of that, most especially 'to not consider other ideas, opinions, and beliefs'.

I don't have enough fingers and toes to count how many people have told me that, JUST because I don't believe what they believe I am (and I quote) "evil and going to heII", as are all my gay friends. 100% of these people were of one religion - probably the one most prominent here. I'm not here to insult anybody but the simple fact is that the majority have these ways of thinking and they believe, think, and say everything they are taught to believe, think, and say. Fortunately, there are some who take the better qualities and I have friends in that category too. They don't call me 'godless heathen' and don't tell me what horrible fate awaits me because they GET that they don't know that any more than I do.

I'm NOT evil, nor are any of my friends and the whole 'heII' thing - well, don't get me started. Smiley Happy

Thanks, chickenbutt! Smile

I don't believe that beating someone over the head with religion ever has the desired effect. And, the worst part is that when the type of language you describe is used, it is a complete dichotomy to what Christ proclaimed to be part of the greatest commandment: to love your neighbor as yourself.

I'm sorry you've been treated badly. I sincerely mean that.

Be yourself; everyone else is already taken. -- Oscar Wilde
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On 3/31/2015 chickenbutt said:
On 3/31/2015 Lila Belle said:

Isn't anyone who subscribes to a philosophy or religion indoctrinated into it ?

Sure is. Thanks for the definition, Sui!

I also appreciate that you are more open-minded than many. But a really good percentage that I know stick to every word of that, most especially 'to not consider other ideas, opinions, and beliefs'.

I don't have enough fingers and toes to count how many people have told me that, JUST because I don't believe what they believe I am (and I quote) "evil and going to heII", as are all my gay friends. 100% of these people were of one religion - probably the one most prominent here. I'm not here to insult anybody but the simple fact is that the majority have these ways of thinking and they believe, think, and say everything they are taught to believe, think, and say. Fortunately, there are some who take the better qualities and I have friends in that category too. They don't call me 'godless heathen' and don't tell me what horrible fate awaits me because they GET that they don't know that any more than I do.

I'm NOT evil, nor are any of my friends and the whole 'heII' thing - well, don't get me started. Smiley Happy

I can't imagine any true Christian calling someone evil just because they sin. But, I can imagine calling their sinful, unhealthy lifestyle evil. I think many people that are sinning against God take it as a personal affront when anyone tells them what they are doing is wrong. The sinner will seek all kinds of information until their behavior is justified in their own minds.

A Christian's only desire is to share the good news that Jesus died for their sin and can change them from the inside out.

If someone is offended by the mention of Jesus, they probably need to be offended.

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On 3/31/2015 SuiGeneris said:
On 3/31/2015 chickenbutt said:
On 3/31/2015 Lila Belle said:

Isn't anyone who subscribes to a philosophy or religion indoctrinated into it ?

Sure is. Thanks for the definition, Sui!

I also appreciate that you are more open-minded than many. But a really good percentage that I know stick to every word of that, most especially 'to not consider other ideas, opinions, and beliefs'.

I don't have enough fingers and toes to count how many people have told me that, JUST because I don't believe what they believe I am (and I quote) "evil and going to heII", as are all my gay friends. 100% of these people were of one religion - probably the one most prominent here. I'm not here to insult anybody but the simple fact is that the majority have these ways of thinking and they believe, think, and say everything they are taught to believe, think, and say. Fortunately, there are some who take the better qualities and I have friends in that category too. They don't call me 'godless heathen' and don't tell me what horrible fate awaits me because they GET that they don't know that any more than I do.

I'm NOT evil, nor are any of my friends and the whole 'heII' thing - well, don't get me started. Smiley Happy

Thanks, chickenbutt! Smile

I don't believe that beating someone over the head with religion ever has the desired effect. And, the worst part is that when the type of language you describe is used, it is a complete dichotomy to what Christ proclaimed to be part of the greatest commandment: to love your neighbor as yourself.

I'm sorry you've been treated badly. I sincerely mean that.

Hey Sui! I truly appreciate talking with somebody who understands AND doesn't use religion as a weapon against others. THAT is where I draw the line. I don't try to tell people what to believe or not to believe, nor do I try to take away their religion.

I just object vehemently (!) when people use it as a weapon to degrade and denigrate others. It's wrong! It's really wrong. So many of the things that I hear and read from christians is so ugly and hateful that I'm ashamed for them. Thankfully, everybody is not like that and I'm not here to say that they all are.d

I just wanted to be, maybe, a little more clear that I'm not sitting here looking down my nose at ANYBODY and I'd like to think that there aren't others looking down their nose at me. Clearly, I'm giving the benefit of the doubt here because I know better. I've heard it all and seen it all, having spent my entire 60 years around christians. I have good friends who are and they are good people. They don't consider me or my gay friends bad or less or in any way treat us like we are messed up for not believing what they do. THAT is a good example. I know I'm a good person, a nice person, and a caring and giving person. So people can sit here and judge me until the cows come home, but they can't hurt me. They just make themselves look bad.

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Does it really matter what anyone else thinks or says? Does it make it true just because they think it or say it? No and that is what I try to keep in mind. What matters to ME in MY life is what I think and I say is true FOR ME. If everyone had that attitude and was that self confident, nobody would feel insulted or offended regardless of what another person thinks or says and there would be far less arguments here.

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The key is exactly how certain people define a sinful lifestyle and how they judge themselves as opposed to judging everyone else. It doesn't matter what my interpretation of faith is. I know what I believe in, and I know how I have lived my life. My conscience is clear. Go head, judge me, if you think it makes you superior. My spirituality will sustain me, regardless of whether it meets with approval by the so called pious.

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On 3/31/2015 RainCityGirl said:

The key is exactly how certain people define a sinful lifestyle and how they judge themselves as opposed to judging everyone else. It doesn't matter what my interpretation of faith is. I know what I believe in, and I know how I have lived my life. My conscience is clear. Go head, judge me, if you think it makes you superior. My spirituality will sustain me, regardless of whether it meets with approval by the so called pious.

But my point is it matters only to you as mine matters only to me. Who cares what others think? If I judge you, so what? And if you judge me (and you did BTW), so what?

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Registered: ‎12-16-2012
On 3/31/2015 Pashmina said:
On 3/31/2015 RainCityGirl said:

The key is exactly how certain people define a sinful lifestyle and how they judge themselves as opposed to judging everyone else. It doesn't matter what my interpretation of faith is. I know what I believe in, and I know how I have lived my life. My conscience is clear. Go head, judge me, if you think it makes you superior. My spirituality will sustain me, regardless of whether it meets with approval by the so called pious.

But my point is it matters only to you as mine matters only to me. Who cares what others think? If I judge you, so what? And if you judge me (and you did BTW), so what?

I wasn't even speaking to you, let alone judging you. In fact, until now, I didn't see your post. So you are saying that I am judging you for judging me? Whatever. I do not seek people out to foist my belief system on them, but I am certainly going to respond when they do it to me and others here. And again, I am not referring to you. I don't subscribe to a state religion or a universal religion per se, nor do I subscribe to the idea that there is only one interpretation of scripture. Whatever comforts or strengthens an individual works for that individual. What works for me is what matters to me. I have no desire to have others subscribe to the same beliefs and I don't want them expecting me to subscribe to their beliefs. When that starts to happen, I will then defend. Again, I am not speaking about you.