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Euflexxa Injection in the Knee

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Has anyone here had the Euflexxa (or similar) injection in the knee? I'm scheduled for 3 shots over as many weeks, starting tomorrow and an curious about what I should expect. Part of me thinks it can't be any worse than the pain right now...but I would love to hear how it turned out for other folks. Thanks!

Lynn-Critter Lover!
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Re: Euflexxa Injection

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Yes, I get Synvisc One, one shot every 6 months, have had 3 so far.  It hurts going in but after that no pain, I just ice it when I get home. So far so good, I have arthritis in there but my doc says I am not anywhere ready for replacement. I also take several supplements rec for arthritis and between the 2 I feel pretty good much of the time and no trouble walking. Definietly worth a try to get it done at least once. The one I get is just one shot every 6 months. 

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Thank you, Shelbelle! I don't need a replacement either, but have a sprain and torn ligament, this is to relieve the pain. This is 1 shot a week for 3 weeks, fingers are crossed!

Lynn-Critter Lover!
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Hi, Lynn, honestly I thought these HA shots were just to help with arthritis, they form a cushion to help with the loss of cartilage from arthritis. I had no idea they can help with pain from torn ligaments. I had a torn meniscus and had that repaired arthroscopically before I got any shots, that surgery was a piece of cake. Good luck !!

Has surgery been suggested to you and you are trying to avoid it, I can understand that

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Re: Euflexxa Injection in the Knee

I have had so many knee injections over time and I seem to remember having  Euflexxa injections. I don't recall any serious side effects.  All of the knee injections I've had over time ended up being a left knee replacement and 2 right knee replacements (2nd rt knee due to post replacement infection) Best wishes for a full and speedy recovery

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Re: Euflexxa Injection in the Knee

I have had many knee injections.  The doctor sprayed my knee and froze it, then did the injection.  It looks more painful than it is.  I also had injections without the freezing spray first. They are quick and over in seconds.


At first the injections helped, then over time they were useless. This injection is a lubricant.  I had one injection a week for a couple of weeks.
I had other types injections as well.


I finally got a knee replacement...osteoarthritis and bone on bone..

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Re: Euflexxa Injection in the Knee

I've been getting shots since 2005-every 6 months. I used to have to get 5 weekly shots, then 3. Now I get 1 shot, still helps though not as much as years ago.


For me there is a lot less pain when I get shot lying down. Also if there is fluid in knee it will hurt more.


Not too painful at all----definitely worth it. After shot ice knee and keep it raised. By next day (or before) it should be ok.


Full benefit of shot takes 2-3 weeks to feel. No downside to shot except injection site swelling and bruising.


Good Luck!

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Re: Euflexxa Injection in the Knee

Thank you for the info, I really appreciate it, I'm apprehensive about it. All this info was a big help!

Lynn-Critter Lover!
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Re: Euflexxa Injection in the Knee

I have knee pain and was frozen before the injection.  No pain after.

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@Shelbelle wrote:

Hi, Lynn, honestly I thought these HA shots were just to help with arthritis, they form a cushion to help with the loss of cartilage from arthritis. I had no idea they can help with pain from torn ligaments. I had a torn meniscus and had that repaired arthroscopically before I got any shots, that surgery was a piece of cake. Good luck !!

Has surgery been suggested to you and you are trying to avoid it, I can understand that

@Shelbelle  I have torn meniscus in both knees and have been putting off the surgery. When the doctor explains it it sounds so simple. If you wouldn't mind could you share how the surgery and recovery was for you. Could you walk right away? How about stairs-as we live in a two story house with master bedroom and bath upstairs. Any info you wouldn't mind sharing would be greatly aprreciated by me.

Sorry to usurp this thread from the original intent.

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Groucho Marx