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Re: End of an Era ❤

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Heartfelt condolences and prayers and hugs to you and your wife on Tiny's passing.....Both of you brought her into your home and heart and loved and cared for her all these years and you both should be comforted by that....I know it also makes it harder to say goodbye and my heart aches for y'all......😿😿

I bet there was quite a big welcome for her when she arrived at the Rainbow Bridge and saw all her friends again.....


41 Heartfelt Loss of Cat Quotes and Images - Sympathy Card Messages

Animals are reliable, full of love, true in their affections, grateful. Difficult standards for people to live up to.”
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John, I'm so sorry to hear of the sadness you've experienced today.  The end of any era makes it especially sad.  I've experienced those myself and know it's hard.  Its good you still have a couple of stragglers to keep you company. 

New Mexico☀️Land Of Enchantment
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So sad to hear this, its heart wrenching when we lose our faithful companions.  Thank you for taking care of the lucky 13.

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I'm sending my sincere condolences to you and Cindy on losing sweet Tiny. 



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@hckynutjohn  My heart breaks for both you and your lovely wife.  I had my dog 21 years he truly was a family member.  May God hold your hearts close through this time of grief.  There will be 13 beautiful furry souls waiting for you at the gates when it's time to join them.  Nothing can replace them in our hearts but we can hold the love they gave us close until we meet again.  Prayers of comfort. 

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@hckynutjohn  I am so sorry for your loss. Extending my condolences to you and your wife. Losing a beloved pet is so hard. Sending love and healing thoughts to you and your wife.❤

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John, I'm so sorry for your loss.  I hope you and the wife are doing ok.   I feel for you, having lost our Golden, Rupert, recently.     I hope she is doing better than I.  I am not doing well at all with this so my heart breaks for you both.



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Dear @hckynutjohn  I'm so sorry for your loss. I understand the end of an era and the new "normal".  Pets are family. How blessed your lucky 13 were to be in such a good, loving home with you and your wife. 🐾💗

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So sorry John. Know how you feel. I still cry sometimes from losing my last one. He was my pal.

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@hckynutjohn  I'm so sorry for your loss. Your fur babies were fortunate to have had you and your wife in their lives.